What to Do when You Feel like You Might Be Getting Sick.

I remember the first time I was really conscious that I was coming down with something. I was walking up the stairs to class when it hit me. I just KNEW I was coming down with something. And with work, exams and the kids, being out of commission for a few days was not something I could afford. I walked straight to class and made a list of preventitive measures and spent the rest of the day doing all I could. And it worked. My feeling never developed into a full blown illness. I’m convinced that my extreme selfcare made the difference and I continue to put these tips into practice everytime I get that yucky feeling. Try these out next time a bug is about to hit you!

1. Relax. I know, you have a life and you can’t put it on hold. But there are things that don’t HAVE to be done right this second. Instead of doing that fifth load of laundry or that errand for your sister take time for yourself. Spend it relaxing. Your body needs energy to fight the bug and piling on more will only add stress to your immune system.

2. Don’t relax. So you’ve carved out some time for yourself. Your husband will pick up the kids or you’re skipping the potluck. Whatever it is you now have 20 minutes to yourself. Take a walk. This kind of activity is great for your immune system and your attitude. Avoid the stress of the gym and get out to nature. Inhale the outdoors notice the changing leaves around you and marvel at your healthy body’s ability to move. A 20 minute walk will give you a boost no cold pill can.

3. Indulge in a drink. Hot tea that is. Try your local health food store for a great variety of cold-busting teas or grab one of your favorite herbal varieties. Wrap your hands around the mug and inhale. Listen to soft music or just relax, imagining yourself feeling strong and healthy. Repeat at least twice a day, depending on the tea.

4. Take a hot bath. You know those bath products you hide away for “special” occasions? Well, this is it! Grab that expensive bubble bath, a hydrating drink (such as cold juice) and luxuriate in the bath with a novel, music or silence. Concentrate on your body and how good it feels to be in the water, with all the free time in the world… (Only have time for a ten minute bath? IMAGINE you can stay in there all day!)

5. Eat well. When I’m getting sick I go with my comfort foods but they have to fit this rule; they have to be of the BEST quality I can find. This means no chicken soup from a can. I grab takeout from a gormet deli. Craving cranberry juice? I pick up a gallon of the sugar-free organic blend from the health food store. Ditto for a piece of chocolate. Instead of the Hersheys I savor one piece from my local chocolatier. Enlist your family to pick up food for you. When you’re putting clean, thoughtfull food in, you’re taking the best care of your body that you can.

6. Don’t forget your multivitamin, you need it now more than ever!

7. Be extra diligent about brushing your teeth. This always makes me feel great! When we’re coming down with something we all the good feelings we can get!

8. Get to bed early. Your body needs all the rest it can get as it fights to stay healthy. Wind down with a positve novel, massage from your partner, or meditation time, then hit the hay early. Consider a lavender linen spray to help you drift off.

9. Stay home. Yes your job is important but it will be there when you get back. And silence that voice that says “but I’m not sick yet!” If you don’t stay home you just might be. Think of it as one day off now vs. a potential four later. Spend your day only taking care of yourself. Grab your kitty and curl up with tea and a blanket. Have a Sex In The City marathon, watch a funny movie, or read a new novel. Laughing will boost your immune system. Don’t answer the phone and avoid contact with anything, or anyone that brings you stress.

10. Consider a probiotic. If your doctor says that they’re right for you, these helpers will boost the health of your colon, which will be better and faster able to rid your body of bacteria and viruses. I pop on whenever I feel something coming on.

Remember, none of these tips are a substitute for your doctors care but with a little self care, and your doctors blessing, maybe you can avoid the upcoming flu and cold season’s worse bugs, and hopefully have a little fun in the process!

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