What to Do with Old Wrapping Paper

Kids love to draw on big pieces of paper so you can save the paper by rolling it up or carefully folding the wrapping paper and then put it aside till your child wants a big piece of paper to draw on. Then you can pull the paper out and lay the paper printed side down and you have a nice piece of white paper to work on. Then give your child some crayons or paint and let them get creative. Your child can have a lot of inexpensive paper to create with. Or your child can cut out the patterns on the printed side of the paper to make things with it like Christmas card for next years Christmas or just a pretty Christmas picture can be made with scissors and glue.
Drawer liners should be changed every now and then and old wrapping paper can be used to change your drawer liner every year. Just cut the old wrapping paper to the right size and replace it with the old drawer liner. You will have a pretty print at he bottom of the drawer or if you prefer you can put the paper in the drawer print side down and just have white drawer liners.
Old wrapping paper is good for starting fires if you have a fireplace or wood stove just be careful not to use too much of the wrapping paper to start you fire with . Or you can have a big bon fire with the old wrapping paper.
If you have an exceptionally pretty piece that is not too damaged in the unwrapping of a present you can reuse it as wrapping paper. Just cut off the rough edges before you use it and it can be reused as wrapping paper for another present.
If you like paper place mats for your table you can use old wrapping paper cut out in the shape of a placemat. Children get a kick out of having a different picture for a placemat and when the meal is over then you can just throw out the place mat.
There are many things you can do with old wrapping paper. It is always best to recycle things if you can before you toss them it is better for the environment and it can be fun to do.