What to Do with Your Child’s School Papers and Artwork

Sorting through the paperwork on a daily basis helps to keep things a bit more organized. When going through my daughter’s papers we sit down together and decide what we should keep and what has to go.
I keep a box where we place those “special” papers that are worth keeping. We take some and display them on the refrigerator and the rest goes in the trash. Of course, when she first started school, she wanted to keep everything, so I had to sneak to the trash can and make sure the papers were well hidden!
The following are some ideas that I have found to be great ways to make the most of some of your child’s priceless artwork and school papers you want to cherish:
1. Make placemats. Laminate some of that artwork, and use them at your table for special occasions or for everyday. They wipe clean and this is a great way to honor your child’s artistic ability.
2. Compile some of those papers and artwork in a notebook, and personalize it for a specific family member, for example a gift for dad on Father’s Day or his birthday, a Christmas gift for grandparents. These will definitely be gifts they will be sure to treasure.
3. Buy inexpensive frames from your local discount store. You will be amazed how adorable these look. They will add a personal touch to your child’s room or the family room.
4. For bulkier projects that will not last over time or if you do not have the space to store them, take a picture. Digital cameras work well because you have instant gratification, can choose to print them or save them on your computer.
5. Make holiday ornaments. You can buy small frames from your local craft store, cut out a portion of the artwork (say a handprint for instance), place in small frame, add ribbons or bows and a hook.
6. Make a collage. Again, using an inexpensive frame, combine many papers into one masterpiece to be admired.
7. Compile a “baby box”. Growing up, my mom had each of us a “baby box”. This was a special box that was reserved for extra special things such as awards, ribbons, report cards and all of the other things from childhood that we never wanted to forget. My daughters have one as well. I cherish this box my mom made for me to this day. It is a wonderful reminder of days gone by but that are not forgotten.
With a lot of imagination and minimal expense you can save some of those more special pieces, and in the long run you will be grateful that you did. Our kids will not stay little long, and one day before you know it those masterpieces will indeed be priceless.