What to Expect Living Aboard a Boat Fulltime

Living on a boat does take some adjustments to the way that you would live in a house. Before thinking of bringing anything on to the boat you have to measure to make sure it fits through the door. Then you have to make sure that you have room for it in the boat. Space is a major factor when living on a boat. While boats do have storage you still probably will have to downsize your possessions quite a bit to get things to neatly fit on the boat. You may find that once you don’t have the items around that you really don’t miss them much.
You may have to store things on a boat that isn’t logical in a house or an apartment. The main closet for your clothes may be at the other end of the boat while you sleep at the other end.
Modern boats now have most conveniences that you need. Some also include bathtubs. If you get a smaller or an older boat, the only option that you may have is a shower. If you are in a marina you can get electric and water to your boat. The water pressure won’t be like you can get on land. Most of the water will come through a garden hose to get to your boat. You can get cable television or Satellite television also while docked so you still can have the cable channels. But then you are living on the water and have beautiful views every night, would you really want to be watching television and miss natures show?
The kitchens have smaller ovens and stoves than a house, and not much kitchen storage for can goods and supplies. But with some planning and careful shopping you can make it all work. There is a refrigerator with a freezer and some may even have dishwashers in them. Some boats now have washer and dryer. If you are looking at a boat without a washer and dryer you will have to go to the laundry mat which may be another inconvenience for you.
Most people living on boats will take advantage of the bath houses that the marinas have where you can go take a shower. This is great if you like more water pressure. This would present a problem if you live in a cold climate, it will be cold coming back after taking a shower to get back to your boat. Also you will have to take your personal supplies with you when you go take a shower.
Boats can be damp and musty smelling if closed up for awhile. But if you are living on your boat, with the windows opened and letting it air out this isn’t that big of a problem.
The toilets in a boat may need cleaned out once in awhile which is something that you don’t have to do at home. Bathrooms are usually small and you won’t want to spend allot of time in there.
The boats can get cold but most will have heaters that will warm it up but it still will feel damp on some mornings.
If you are living on a boat, you will get used to the boat rocking. This can be great some nights when you are gently rocked to sleep, but can be annoying if you are trying to cook or do something else that being on solid ground would make it easier.
Living on a boat can be an adventure and a great cheap way to live while you save money for your dream house. If you are living with someone, you may experience lack of privacy since there aren’t many hiding places on the boat. But this usually can be worked out between you and everyone can have their space.
The nice thing about living on a boat, you can live several places during the year and never get bored with your surroundings.