What to Wear for the Holidays

The holidays are coming and we all need that perfect suit or dress. Sometimes we don’t worry to much about your hair than we do for your outfit. I know when the holidays come around I tend to buy myself a very nice suit. There are many things you can wear for the holidays. For men you can wear a clean pair of tan or black pants with a nice red sweater. Red and green are the holiday’s colors but does not mean you have to wear them.

More holidays colors are silver, gold, white and black. You can even wear a black crisp and clean shirt with a pair of black pants. As always, you should get a nice haircut to look cleaned up. For the ladies they usually do their own hair or they go to the hairdresser for about 2 hours and get all made over. A spiral style or a French braid does look very glamorous. If you want to leave your hair down and add some sequin clips that would look very nice. The average women wear a little black dress or a shiny red glittery dress. Most wear a clean black skirt with a pretty top. The popular dress this year is Isaac Mizrahi. You can buy one at Target.com or Kohl’s. Another beautiful dress you can wear is a polyester with diamond cuts or add a nice holiday pin to it. You can buy a little handbag if you do not have one.

The nice ones to buy are the black sequin or a nice silver one. You should match your outfit with this little purse. The perfect footwear for women is a sling back shoe or a nice black high heel. For men they can wear a pair of black dress or casual shoes. Black stands out in mostly everything you wear so stick to black. For women black makes them look tall and thin. For men it makes us look nice and clean and sharp. Whether you are dressing up for a party at your home, work or to a fancy dinner make sure you look your best. You don’t need to buy a expensive outfit or jewelry or pocketbook.

Some tips on holiday dressing:

Don’t wear all metallic clothing. Like the matching shoes with pants. This just does not look nice and dressy. Try wearing one piece no more than one. Like a nice top or a bracelet.

Do not try to add cleavage in your bra ladies. This is not a dressy day for nightclubbing or picking up men, unless you are trying to. Wear conservative clothing like a nice gown, dress, skirt with classy top.

For men and women do not wear a turtleneck or layers of clothing. Some people dress up comfortable and this is what they are comfortable in. remember this is a holiday and a time for dressing up. Do not wear what you think is comfortable and a little less noticeable. Wear what you know looks good and feels good. Don’t you want to stand out for looking your best in that nice suit or dress you have hanging up in your closet. I know I do.

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