What’s Up with Men’s Facination with Snakes?

I read an article a while back that stated sixty percent of adults bitten by snakes were men who had been drinking. Thus, the philosophical question: What is it with men and snakes?

Like when Jim Bob happens to run over a snake and then hauls it around in the back of his truck for a week to show all his buddies the snake he “killed”.

Or that need to cut off the rattlers for show and tell at work.

I’ll bet the person who first crafted snake skin boots and belts was a man. I can hear him now.

“Yep, killed this ‘un with my bare hands. That sucker came outta nowhere and wrapped round my led and threw me to the ground. But I grabbed him round the neck, and let me tell you, he’s so big my hands just would reach.

“Anyway, that sucker’s spittin’ venom and I’s spittin’ bacca juice. Why we wrestled round on the ground for might near half a hour for he finally said ‘uncle’. Then I got my twelve gauge and blew that sucker’s head off.”

When I see a snake I run the other way. I do prefer someone kill it, and mere death isn’t enough. The creature must be severed at least once with the pieces thrown is opposite directions to prevent rejuvenation.

Whenever my son used to ask if he could have a ring-neck for a pet, I simply and emphatically stated, “No!”

Why the difference between men’s and women’s attitudes toward snakes? I pondered this phenomenon for at least half an hour before reaching an answer.

It all goes back to that first encounter in the Garden of Eden. For women it’s simple-sorrowful child birth. Ever since Eve experienced this curse, women have instinctively hated snakes and wanted to get as far away from them as possible.
For men the answer could be one of two reasons. Some men like snakes and want to get close to them out of respect. After all what other animal has successfully tempted a woman into doing something against her better judgment. It’s a skill many men would love to acquire.

On the other hand, some men resent snakes because of its success and their failure to sway women. Therefore, these men must prove they are better than the serpent by conquering it physically.

Oh well, I never claimed to be Plato.

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