When the 4th of July is Also Your Child’s Birthday

My daughter was born on the 4th of July. She’s almost ten years old at this writing, and she still loves the fact that she was born on Independence Day. . .Could it be all the fireworks? That it’s the day of our independence from Great Britain?
While she may not be mature enough (yet) to understand political nuances, I joke around about the day she’ll attain her independence, move out, and go to college at 18! Her being born on this day also provides an excellent opportunity for others to “lecture” her on the significance of this historical day. More than a few people have told her that it would “look good” on the ticket when she runs for political office!
That said, how does one celebrate two holidays in one?
With lots of red, white, and blue, of course! There’s variations of the red, white, and blue color scheme in napkins, plates, cups, tablecloths-and of course miniature flags to fly in the cake! The family usually shows up in complementary hues as well-and wearing the flag as a pin or a visor.
While we can’t light our own fireworks in San Diego, we can use those trick candles that sizzle and sparkle until you put them out in water. Birthdays are supposed to be fun, as well as a time to give thanks for another year.
During the “kid” part of the Birthday celebrations, we play games. Rather than Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, we shoot hoops for points and prizes. Another fun game-especially when it’s hot-is water balloon toss. In past years, we’ve played Guess-the-president games, where someone provides a fact about a president, and then whoever gets it right gets a prize. Sometimes, we do this in teams.
Everyone wins at our parties, though�I tend to keep a few games and crafts ready for those kids who may not excel at hoops, tossing, or presidential facts. I always have supplies on-hand for making paper-bag hand puppets, windmills, collages, jewelry, and more. The children can choose to make these with Independence Day themes, and often do that. The prize? Art to take home!
It’s fun to party plan with your child, too. Fortunately, my daughter likes to make lists, conduct website research, and comb through magazines for ideas. She’s had a party folder before she could even read! And it’s never too soon to plan for the next one-or for several at a time. I find that my daughter often has several party agendas going at once. Currently ones include taking her best friends to ride in a limo. Destination? We haven’t come up with one yet, but hey, maybe in about twenty years, it will be to the Congressional Offices!
No matter what day of the year your child is born, be sure to keep them in mind when celebrating. Last year, I gave in and she had a slumber party with her best friends AND a party with the adult members of our extended family. . .She warned me it was too much-and it was. This year, I’m listening to my daughter, and we’re going to celebrate her special day with another slumber party.
I’m going to sleep in this time. . .I hope the girls do, too!