When the Levee Breaks by Rochelle Moore

Your Inner Critic – Small abstract from book WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS by Rochelle Moore

“Commence by actively working on excorcising your negative critic which you have allowed to become a part of your life. In order to move forward you must hunt out your inner chatterbox immediately. Think positive, only speak positive words; and if you do have a little relapse (when someone incessently yells as you are speaking, whilst in a traffic jam and an idiot blares the car horn non-stop) – try and manage to hold back ranting at this person and hold back your inner critic.

Instead, learn to act civilly. Accept that others have deeper problems and deeper inner critics than you do and you will feel much better. Just relax and accept rather than blaming others. Stop moaning over every little thing that goes wrong in your life and take back control of your inner critic.”

When the Levee Breaks by Rochelle Moore

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