When to Set Up a Blind Date, and When to Mind Your Own Business!

I’m somewhat of a romantic myself, but I’m not much of a matchmaker. Unless I know two people who I am absolutely sure are well-suited for each other, I stay out of the love game. Setting up a blind date can be a risky situation. You can get either one, or both, of the pair upset at you if their date doesn’t go well. So, my advice is, before you try to play Cupid, know when to set up a blind date, and when to mind your own business!

Most single people are looking for love. Loneliness can be such a drag. But even so, going out on a blind date can be one of the scariest times in a person’s life. You want to find that special someone, so you’re willing to take a chance and go out on a date with someone you don’t know, or know very well. But, on the other hand, a blind date is a roll of the dice. A chance at love, or a chance at rejection and hurt.

If you’re a matchmaker at heart, then you probably keep an eye out among your friends and associates to see if you can pair two of them off. I know you can’t help it, romance is in your blood. Nothing would make you happier than to see two people you know end up taking a walk to the altar. Still, sometimes there are times when you shouldn’t set two people up on a blind date.

For example, if you know someone who is single, and they can’t hold down a steady job, then they should stay single. It’s better they deal with their own financial problems, and not bring someone else into their money woes.

The same goes for people who are irresponsible. Everyone wants and needs a partner they can count on in life. Someone who is immature and has a “devil-may-care” attitude doesn’t normally make a good husband or wife.

If you want to set up a blind date between two people you know, avoid trying to match someone up who can’t stop talking about their ex-wife, ex-husband, ex-boyfriend, or ex-girlfriend. When a guy or a girl are still aching from a love affair gone bad, that’s not the right time for them to start dating. Let things cool down first. Give them time for their broken heart to heal some before you try to get them started on a new relationship.

Even then, some people never recover from a break up. They become bitter about romance. After being married and divorced just once, some people run the other way from dating. If you know someone like that, leave them be. Chances are that you can’t change their heart. So it’s better to just mind your own business.

Don’t try to set up a blind date between two people if you don’t like both of them either. Believe me, I’ve seen this happen! Just because there’s a sexy, macho guy at work, and you have a friend who goes ape over a guy with a cute butt, don’t set up a blind date between them if he has personality traits you don’t like. If you don’t like him, then she probably won’t like him either. There’s a lot more to love than just looks!

Before you decide to set up a blind date, make sure you know both people fairly well. Make sure they have at least two things in common, such as sports or hobbies.

And finally, don’t get overzealous in your matchmaking! It probably warms your heart to bring two people together. But, remember, this is all about them, and not about you. If either of the people keep turning down your suggestions for a blind date, leave them be! Don’t try to push them into a relationship they’re not interested in! It’s better off to mind your own business and leave them alone.

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