Where Can She Go from Here?

Where can I go from here? I am forty years old (at least that I’ll admit to), have a teenage son who lives away from home, and no man in my life just a dog (yes, he’s really a canine). I recently read that women over 40 are against marriage because they realized they didn’t have to buy the pig when all they wanted was a little sausage. Supposedly, over 80% of women over 40 feel that way. I must be in the 20% who have never been in a relationship long enough to realize that men are pigs. At least not the married pigs. Just because I’m over 40 and single doesn’t mean that I haven’t bought my share of pigs. Fortunately, some I gave back and asked for a refund. And then there were the ones that escaped when I was planning the butchering. Still, I don’t think I really realized they were pigs until much later.

So, Where can I go from here? I’ve still got my whole life ahead of me. Sure, maybe the next 40 years won’t be as much fun – that is if you count being a teenager fun. The next 40 years will start with working and having a little bit of fun – just the opposite of the last 40 years. This next 40 years, I will have benefited from the multitude of pigs in my life by putting those experiences into good use. Maybe I’ll be the pig this time……no, that’s not possible. Still, I will have no problems spotting the pigs from the start – that’s a bonus! I can go anywhere! Why does society make it seem so bad to be 40 and single? I can own my own house, my own job, my own time! I can make decisions on my own and not have anybody laugh at my bad ones. I can do what I want, when I want to or do nothing at all. I can go anywhere I want!

So, where do I want to go?

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