Where Do Rats Hide Outside?

To avoid accidental killings look for the source of where the rats are coming from and going. Are there any holes? Rats dig holes in the ground. You may come across a hole that is a fist size or two around next to your house. To be sure it’s a rat hole and not something else keep an eye on it for a day or two, hopefully you’ll get at least a glimpse of what made the hole. You may be tempted to seal or cover the hole up. I don’t recommend doing that because the rat can dig itself out if it gets trapped inside and move somewhere else nearby. If it isn’t trapped inside it will still make a new home close by.
Rats can also dig holes in flower or garden beds where there are a lot of plants close to each other because the plants will provide them with good coverage to hide in. Plus they are right in the midst of tasty vegetables; greens and fruits when the garden plants produce.
Another area to check for holes is underneath a carport. If you have an open carport and have set some things inside you may not see anything until you move them over. Here you might find holes or you might find shredded paper or even car insulation that is placed in a pile on the ground for a rat nest. While you are checking the carport out you may want to check under your vehicle hood to see if insulation is missing. Rats will go under your hood and help themselves.
Check outside garage areas for holes and don’t forget to check around the outside of the house. Look for any nesting material that may be sticking out of a hole, around it or any nesting material that is laying behind objects or places that a bird typically wouldn’t go.
Once you find suspicious spots, place the poison where nothing but the rats can get it. You can drop the poison in the hole but make sure that when it rains the water won’t flood the hole and cause the poison to escape. If you have insulation missing under your vehicle hood you might try putting some poison under the hood where it won’t fall out when driven or moved. Never put rat poison out in the open. Put it under the garage, under buildings or where nothing but rats can reach it. If you have rats indoors you can put poison under the sink or by the water heater or pipes; put it between the walls if you can.