Where to Buy Industrial, Gothic, and Synthpop Music on the Internet

If you are looking to order mainstream music on the Internet, say, the newest Madonna album, or the definitive Led Zeppelin collection, or maybe your daughter has been hounding you to buy her that Britney Spears album, then most likely you would make your purchases at Amazon.com.

It’s simple, it’s efficient, and the prices are excellent. But what if you are looking for music that Amazon.com and other large internet retailers don’t carry? Although their stock is quite extensive, even Amazon can’t possess all the music you may be looking for, especially if your tastes run a bit to the more eclectic, underground genres of gothic and industrial.

If you are reading this, then you are no doubt a fan of this music or interested in acquiring some and expanding your musical knowledge and library. Even these selective genres have their “mainstream” stand-out artists, and their popularity has ensured that you can find them available for purchase on Amazon.com.

But for everything else, there are two places on the internet where you can be sure to find what you are looking for.

The first of these is Isotank.com. IsoTank music has been an active Internet retail store for just over a decade, and have recently revamped their website to make navigation even easier and ensure that you find the music you crave. For the latest information on new releases, join their mailing list, and receive an extensive monthly update of all new and upcoming releases. Carrying both US releases and hard to find imports of mainly industrial, EBM, synthpop and gothic music, they also have a good selection of experimental, ambient, techno, and branches of neofolk/neoclassical, 80s, deathrock, death metal, and more.

Additionally, they stock stickers, t-shirts, DVDs, and more to outfit you with all you might require to portray your love of these genres.

With friendly and courteous service available at any time all year round, and a retail store located in Philadelphia, Isotank strives to be a one-stop music solution and deliver you the best music and service.

A major producer and distributer of industrial, EBM, and synthpop, Metropolis Records has been at the forefront of the genre for quite some time, signing an extensive list of international and US bands to its label. Several years back, they joined forces with with an online store to form the Metropolis Records Mail Order business, found at industrial-music.com.

With a nice, clean interface showcasing the newest music and upcoming releases on their home page, navigation is also simple and refined. With a major selection similar to that of IsoTank, you may find one or two gems here that IsoTank does not carry, or vice-versa. But since they are operating with a major distributor, releases dates and news of upcoming releases are bound to be more accurate, and a quick link to the label portion of the site will give you sound samples, tour information, and more. A mailing list is also available.

Both online stores offer specials at various times, join their mailing lists for the most up-to-date information, and happy shopping!

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