Where to Get the Hottest Concert Tickets

Where to Find the Hottest Concert Tickets – Online
The first place to find the hottest concert tickets is to go online. There are several websites that sell concert tickets, and if you keep up with your concert news, you can sometimes pre-buy concert tickets before they go on sale at the ticket offices.
The first concert ticket website that you should check out is Ticketmaster’s website (http://www.ticketmaster.com). Ticketmaster is one of most well known names in the business, and their long-standing reputation makes them a safe choice when trying to buy tickets for the concert of your dreams. On their site you can find out what concerts are coming up, what special promotions will be held, and when tickets will be made available. You can also purchase tickets online so you won’t have to stand in line.
Another website that you can check out for concert tickets is BuySellTix.com. This website also has a good reputation for customer service and providing access to top sporting, music, and live performance events. They sell tickets to performance given by: Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Celine Dion, Sting, The Eagles, Wicked, Jamie Foxx, as well as comedy shows and Latin concerts. You can search for tickets based on artist, city, and even by event type. In addition to selling tickets directly, they can also help you to determine if the seller you have chosen to buy through is legitimate.
Ebay is another option that you can use to find great concert tickets. People who had purchased tickets in advance and then found that they were unable to attend the event may place their tickets on ebay at a good price. While this may be a legitimate way to purchase hard to find tickets, you should be careful about who you buy tickets from. Do a little background check on the seller. If they have just become an eBay member don’t risk the chance of a forgery or a scam, however, if they have a long history as a quality eBay seller then it is probably safe to purchase a ticket from them. The advantage of using eBay is that your purchase is insured, so if the ticket does turn out to be a fraud or if you don’t receive a ticket that you purchased then you do have a way to get your money back.
Where to Find the Hottest Concert Tickets – Contests
Local contests and promotions are other ways in which you can get hard to find concert tickets. Keep your eyes open for drawings, radio promotions, and local television station give-aways. To increase your chances of winning you can ask people who don’t want to go to the concert to allow you to enter their name with the understanding that if their name is drawn that you get the tickets.
You can also increase the chances that you will win by entering as many contests as possible. If there is a specific concert that you want to go to then canvas your city as well as surrounding communities for contest opportunities. Also check out the websites of local radio stations to see what types of promotions for concert tickets are being held. Just keep in mind the more you enter the more chances you have to win.
Where to Find the Hottest Concert Tickets – Print Ads
The final way to find the hottest concert tickets is by using print ads. Look through newspapers in your area as well as surrounding areas to find advertisements placed by people who have extra tickets, or who need to sell their tickets. Again be careful whom you buy from, and make sure that the tickets you buy are not forged. Look for security devices on the printed tickets, and match them to those on a real ticket. Ticketmaster.com is a good place to go for references of what to look for in a real ticket, and what indicates a forgery.
If you aren’t having any luck finding an advertisement for the concert you want to go to, you can also place an advertisement in a local newspaper that you want to buy tickets. Again take precautions to protect yourself from scams and forgeries.
If you plan on buying concert tickets from a source other than a ticket office, make sure you take precautions to ensure that the tickets you purchase are real. If the person is acting shady, nervous, or who is asking you to pay a great deal more than the ticket is worth don’t do business with them. Look for sellers that you know, that have a history of legitimate ticket sales, and that offer some form of guarantee of their services. With a little research, a little legwork, and a little patients you should be able to find tickets to even the most popular of concerts or events.