Where to Make Your Own Halloween Haunted House

Inside you own house is the most obvious choice for a Halloween Haunted House. You may fill uncomfortable of people coming into your house but you can always quarantine areas off. If you have two stories you can limit the Halloween Haunted House to just the first floor where typically bedrooms are not located. Thematically it is easy to decide on a theme it should be a Haunted House since you are in a house. You can come up with a back-story to why it is haunted and incorporate it into your scares.
If you do not fill comfortable with strangers coming in your house at all then you can let them into your garage. The garage is a very common location for haunted houses. Rooms can be partitioned off with bed sheets or sheets of plastic. Themes can also be about Haunted Houses or to be more original haunted garages with tools that kill, or vehicles that attack. Some scary movies have used machines coming alive to kill as a theme so it won’t be unheard of but not many people use it as a theme for their Halloween Haunted House.
If your house and garage are too big of a mess then the backyard is an option. The backyard can be all outdoors since the house and fences will cover what will happen. It is harder to control effects and the weather all outside. Parts can be covered. For example a plastic sheet attached to the side of the house and the top of the fence would provide cover on the sides of the house. A good theme might be a pet cemetery. Perhaps when they go into the back they will be in the mortuary side covered by a tarp then head out into the actual cemetery from there.
Perhaps your backyard is a mess or you have dogs or some other issue that prevents you from using the backyard you still have one other yard you can use. The front yard is typically not as big as the back but may be more accessible. However everyone can see your front yard so you will want to make a makeshift building out of PVC or wooden poles are another option covered in plastic. The theme could be the cemetery theme again with the smaller side yard having some graves animal or human and the larger portion of your yard or even your driveway can have the mortuary where strange things happen.
If you live in an apartment and don’t want people coming in then you have other options still. Many churches have Halloween activities for the congregation. Your church might have such an activity sometimes they are on Halloween to keep kids safe at a place parents can fill good about and sometimes they are a few days before Halloween. Depending on the church they may have trick or even trunk or treating in the parking lot. You could set up a haunted house in the parking lot but may want to check with ecclesiastical authorities first. They might have the Halloween party in the church and many churches set up Spook Alleys in unused rooms. You could offer your Haunting services to local church leadership and help prepare the Spook Alleys.
If you do not go to a church or know anyone who does that would be interested in a Halloween Haunted House or Spook Alley then you could contact local organizations such as a hospital or police. You could offer your haunting services and charge admission with the proceeds going the organization. You would likely get more help on your project doing this. You can make your Halloween Haunted House in the parking lot or you might be able to get part of the Police Station, Fire Station, or Hospital to make a Spook Alley. An obvious choice is to have a theme of a haunted location you are in. Though you should check with those you are making the attraction for about the story Hospitals might not like a storyline with a mad doctor that kills patients or police a police chief that decided to have some vigilante justice.
If all else fails you can rent a location to make one your self and if it is good you can charge and make a profit. Or if you don’t have the money for that you can offer to help a Halloween store to set one up and they might even let you use some of there props for the house. This will help get people in there store and maybe see some of the merchandise they have at work. A good theme is a store that is haunted that the rent was cheap because no one would rent and the owner of the store thought was a good deal because he wasn’t afraid of ghosts but as the tour progress that he is giving the shoppers he changes his mind. There are many places you can find to locate your Halloween Haunted House. Even if you do not have a good physical location yourself you can always find someone else who has the room but no ghost of their own.