Where to Purchase Ceiling Medallions

An easy way to spruce up the house a little bit and make it a little fancier is to install ceiling medallions above your light fixtures and ceiling fans. These are fairly easy to install yourself so long as working with electrical wires doesn’t make you queasy. The first thing you need to do is to cut the power to the light fixture or ceiling fan that you are going to install the medallion at and remove the fixture. Installation techniques may vary depending upon where you are installing your medallion whether over a light or fan fixture due to access to the electrical. There are many different medallions out there and with varying size central holes so make sure you measure exactly what the medallion needs to go around before settling on your purchase. For example, you may need a medallion that has a 4″ center hole for a lighting fixture as opposed to one with a larger hole, say about 5-6″ for a ceiling fan. There are also medallions available that are in two pieces which require no removal of existing fixtures to install, but they won’t look quite as good as a solid one.

Lampsplus.com is a good place to start which will give you an idea of what styles you can find to fit your decor. I absolutely love the dark brass finished ones which would add a rich elegant appeal to any room. If you are looking for something for a light fixture then go to this link where you will find several options. If you have a Tiffany hanging lamp, you may just be able to find a medallion that will perfectly accent that lamp. If not, the solid color brass medallions are very nice way to go. You can get a simple white medallion for as little as $25 or spend up to $200 for something fancy. Try this link to see what they have available for ceiling fan medallions. These start at around $70 and go up to over $200 and there is not as much of a selection as there is for ceiling lights.

Ceilingsusa.com makes it even easier to install ceiling medallions as they have several styles in two pieces so there is no removal of fixtures required. Some of the simpler ones here cost only $25 and even though they are made of urethane, they look like plaster which adds to its appeal. Also to consider is that since these are made of urethane, they are extremely lightweight and easy to handle, so ladies don’t be nervous and purchase these because you can have it installed in no time. You can also use a high quality latex paint to make these any color you desire.

Another site to look at would be Brandlighting.com where you can find odd shaped medallions. Maybe you don’t want just another boring perfect circular medallion above your fixture and here you can find some other options. Some options would be something in more of an oval shape or square. These are all highly decorative and you can e-mail the company to get prices on the particular ones you’re interested in to see if that’s the way you want to go. Other styles, colors and designs are available. Keep in mind that this site is going to offer more expensive choices than any others I recommend, but your options are broader.

If you’re looking to do a little decorating without spending too much, then check out architecuturaldepot.com where you can find many two-piece options and a few that will only set you back about $15. There is a fabulous selection here that will easily go up and can be painted to suit your needs and at that price you can buy several and do every room in your house.

Whether you decide to install the easier two-piece medallions or plan to remove your fixtures to install solid ones, make sure you have someone nearby. Do not attempt to install these without someone to help as we all know how dizzying it can be to work overhead.

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