Which Locks Provide More Security?

Many of us just take for granted that an expensive lock will keep out anyone and that is false. A good lock is what will keep most people out, but a determined person will get in some how because we forget to lock up some areas of our homes.
A mortised spring latch is common in most apartments, but they are not very safe. This type of lock is when it is inserted into where the door closes, usually in the doorknob. There is a latch or a bolt, which is pulled back; you push the latch over the door when you are in for the night. When you exit your house or apartment, you simply turn the knob on the handle to lock it. Did you know that a credit card can easily be inserted into the door and pop your lock? This could lead to untold problems, like a burglar being in your home when you return.
A surface spring latch is a heavier lock, which is mounted on the surface of the door. This one also had a night latch that you slip over when you are in the apartment. This lock may seem safer but you still run the same risks as outline above with the mortised spring lock.
A combination spring latch dead bolt are more often seen in apartments and are quite similar to the above mentioned locks but the parts of this lock operate independently of each other. Once the bolt is slide over, the spring latch cannot be pushed in. This is okay if the door is a good solid door, but can lead to many bad things if the door is ill fitting.
A simple dead bolt is any lock that the bolt part is square or flat. These come in various sizes, and they are harder for a burglar to open. However if this is installed on a flimsy door, it is easy to get into the house or apartment. This is the safest lock thus far, as no credit card or piece of metal inserted will open it.
A jimmy-proof dead bolt lock is just about the safest combination lock out there today. The dead bolt locks into a special plate, and cannot be pried open if it is made of a good quality of metal.
If you wish to remain safe in your home or apartment, you need to lock your windows as well. There are locks that you can insert on windows that work well, and most windows that you would by today have locks already on them. If you do not have the money for good window locks, you can insert a piece of wood from a top corner of the window and diagonally to the other side of the bottom of the top window, resting on the lower window. That will keep burglars out, unless they want to break a window and most of the burglars will not find it worth the trouble.
Let us face it, if you are a single mom living alone with kids, it can be scary at times, so what ever we can do to make us feel safer in our homes is well worth the effort. Changing the door locks in your home is simple and after I became a single mom, my 12-year-old son changed both doors by himself. If a child can do it, so can you.