Which Online Movie Rental Company is the Best?

Ok, I admit it, I’ve crossed over to ‘movie junkie’ landâÂ?¦ thanks to the most popular online movie rental company out there today. In all honesty, movies weren’t really my thing until I discovered the convenience of renting them via my computer.

Sure, I watched an occasional movie now and then. But, since I’ve found Netflix my DVD player no longer gathers dust. Renting movies has never been easier and I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy several movies I, until now, never even knew existed.

Netflix (http://www.netflix.com) is, by far, the best online movie rental company available. They opened their virtual doors in 1999 in effort to bring a wider variety of movies to the masses. They have succeeded with over 4 million satisfied members and access to 55,000 movie titles.

Members can choose one of eight subscription plans depending on their budget and the number of movies they choose to watch, monthly. There are no specific due dates or late fees. The first two weeks of membership is free and you can cancel at any time.

Delivery is free and very fast, as well. Prepaid return envelopes are provided. The majority of members, almost 90%, receive the next movie on their wish list within one business day of their most recent return. This feat is accomplished due to the fact that movies are shipped from 37 different processing centers throughout the U.S.

The Netflix site offers more interactive features than any other online movie rental company I’ve researched. These features make it very easy to load your movie queue. There is even an option to create a unique movie queue for each individual family member. Genres include: children and family, classics, comedy, drama, documentary, horror, romance, sci-fi, thrillers, television movies, television series and more.

Members can watch movie previews via streaming video, read movie reviews, learn more about their favorite actor or actress, browse critics picks, keep track of what their friends are watching and much more!

Another great feature that Netflix offers is a movie recommendation service. Members rate movies they have previously viewed and receive suggestions in regard to those likes and dislikes.

I have been a member of this online movie rental company for almost three months and highly recommend it. The convenience of Netflix alone is worth the subscription price. You will never find such a vast variety of titles at your neighborhood movie store or on your current cable lineup.

Take into consideration the money you save in gas and those outrageous late fees and the deal gets even better. I can almost guarantee that you will upgrade your membership, before your two-week trial period is over. I did!

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