White House Wants Us to Be Afraid of Terrorist, Then They Should Take Real Steps to Protect Us

The White House quickly seized upon the devastating attack of 9/11 to set in motion a plan for re-election in 2004. Put in the Americans’ mind the fear of another attack and position yourself as the only guys capable of protecting you. (Never mind that the guys in the White House at this moment are the exact same guys who were asleep at the wheel in the nine months leading up to 9/11 and never mind that billions of dollars have and continue to be wasted waging a war against a country that had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus).
Nothing ensures re-election like fear. Fear has been a mainstay of despots and democratically elected leaders for centuries. The main point of attack being that if we really have something to be afraid of, then changing horses in mid-stream may present exactly the opportunity our nemeses need to pounce.
And so Bush and Co. went about creating the Department of Homeland Security and installing the humorous color-coded warning system and spending billions expanding the government bureaucracy that the GOP has spent fifty-plus years saying they are wholeheartedly against. Perhaps the worst thing to have come from the creation of this behemoth was rolling FEMA into it, thereby allowing the ascension of a horse show judge overseer to the position of overseeing this country’s reponse to a natural disaster.
If you go to NationalTerrorAlert.Com, you will a terrific resource of information on how to prepare yourself in the case of a terrorist attack. There are several planning guides and information on chemicals and biological weapons. There is even a WMD Device Guide. It offers some pretty good information and I can’t help but wonder if any of the CIA operatives who supposedly reported to Pres. Bush that there were tons of these things readily available in Iraq had ever taken the time to read this kind of guide on what to look for.
The key part of the NationalTerrorAlert.Com is a section that details what Americans should have in their possession for what they term a 72 Hour Kit. What do we need? Well, at least 2 gallons of water per person; a method of water purification; windproof/waterproof matches; a first aid kit; a flashlight with batteries; a pocket knife; a shovel; a tent or some other kind of shelter; and lots of other stuff like clothing, your personal papers, money, etc.
According to a recent poll, most Americans are concerned about a terrorist attack, but only about one-third believe it will happen to them. And far, far fewer of us have even most of the items on the list.
This White House is intent on making us afraid. From the color-coded warning system to the constant stream of speeches documenting their fight against terrorism to the freaking war that was supposed to make us safer. No matter what issue Bush is asked about-from the economy to whether he’ll deign to allow his wife to run for Senate-he manages to turn his answer around to include the threat of terrorism. In other words, the fear of terrorism is the bread and butter of this adminstration and they have made it clear that the number one issue every American should be most concerned about is another attack by terrorist. And since we’re in control there now, the next one shouldn’t have any connection to Iraqis either.
The Bush administration has no compunction about spending billions of dollars on rebuilding a foreign country that we’re responsible for tearing apart in the first place. And since they expect us to either serve our country or support those serving our country with no questions asked, I am now asking all readers to ask our government for one thing.
Since terrorism is a much bigger threat to American lives than the lack of health care, than natural disasters, than poverty, than crime in our streets, then shouldn’t our government spend a little money to make sure each and every one of us is well furnished with the necessities that we’ll need for those first 72 hours?
I am asking the President authorize Congress to find money in the budget to supply every American household with some of the things that are on their 72 Hour Kit. Not everything, of course. Not extra clothing, not money, not even a first aid kit. It shouldn’t be too difficult for most households to supply those things themselves. I’m asking that Congress-that Pres. Bush-supply all its citizens with free flashlights, batteries, tents, water purification device, sleeping bags, hand and body warm packs, sewing kit, 50 foot nylon rope, and a radio with batteries.
Obviously, this would be a tremendous expense. However, the way I figure it, the amount would probably not even come close to the amount of money that all our Congressmen and Senators have spent in the past four years on junkets and vacations paid for by lobbyists. I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to send people like Tom Delay and Lindsey Graham on all-expense paid vacations just to ensure the passage of a bill that will result in my getting a radio and sleeping bag in return.
I don’t know for sure exactly how much money of our budget was spent on bills that Jack Abramoff lobbied for, but I have a pretty good feeling the amount was considerably more than the cost of equipping every American household with a 72 Hour Kit. And, well, in return every American household would be prepared for a terrorist attack
Which the White House considers the number one concern that Americans should most fear. All I’m asking is that they put our money where their mouths are.