Who Killed the Electric Car?

“Who Killed the Electric Car?” is an entertaining and informative new documentary film, and one I highly recommend.


The film clearly illustrates that a viable, alternative to the internal combustion engine presently exists, but the auto and oil industries aren’t eager to see it succeed. Those industries have a vested interest in maintaining the current sources of energy and transportation. Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs would be a bad business move.

The film asks, and answers, the following question:

“It was among the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built. It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles in the Arizona desert?

WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? chronicles the life and mysterious death of the GM EV1, examining its cultural and economic ripple effects and how they reverberated through the halls of government and big business.”

We have to live with the effects of our government’s lack of leadership in crafting a renewable and sustainable energy policy; gas prices are off the charts, the situation in the Middle East is unstable, and scientists are warning that global warming is at a tipping point.

Even the president says we’re “addicted to oil,” so it’s fair to wonder why our politicians aren’t doing something about it? The answer is that they get a lot of money from oil companies not to.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, since 1990, Big Oil has given more than $190 million to members of Congress and 75% ($142,635,314) of those donations have gone to Republicans. That money has guaranteed energy policy that serves the oil industry rather than the public interest.

Until we stop politicians from taking money from Big Oil, it’ll be hard to stop global warming and move into a clean-energy future.

A viable alternative to the internal combustion engine has long existed, but the powers that be (i.e. the oil and automotive industries) have used their considerable political clout to thwart this revolutionary technology in their own interests. And electric vehicles aren’t the only alternatives being neglected.

Every single day cars and municipal busses are operating on biodiesel – which is essentially vegetable oil – as well as ethanol, and yet we’re still paying $3 plus for petroleum. What a racket.

Contact your Senator and Representative, and ask him/her to stop taking money from the oil industry, and to instead enact legislation that would compel the auto industry to raise fuel efficiency standards. We, as citizens, need to get off the sidelines and get involved. This problem requires a mass effort. It requires us to show our leaders that we are informed, that we care, and that we expect more of them.

The status quo will not do. It is no longer acceptable. We can do better.

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