Who Should Take Viagra?

If you are one of those men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, then taking an oral drug may be for you. The steps that drug companies are taking towards the development of new drugs to combat the problem of penile dysfunction has been amazing over the past few years. The determination as to whether Viagra is right for you have a lot of different factors. If you are one of those people who appears to need the drug drink large quantities of alcohol, take recreational drugs such as cocaine, or is he a heavy smoker? These are issues that can make taking the drug a risk.
If you are undergoing medical treatment for some other illness or ongoing health issue such as diabetes Viagra may not be right for you. Check with your doctor as to whether or not this medicine is the right treatment for you. Your doctor can determine if there will be any health issues to watch for or drug reactions to beware of. When you talk to your doctor about Viagra it is important to be up front and honest about any medical issues you may have or suspect you have. Drug interactions can affect the way the drug reacts to your system and pre-existing health problems may put you at risk for other health problems.
Other medications can cause penile dysfunction and so you will need to tell your doctor about all the medication you are currently taking. Medicines that are used to treat high blood pressure can cause penile issues as can drugs for allergies. If this is the case you need to possibly adjust the ones you are already taking.
For many men discussing impotence is a huge embarrassment. Remember that having to take something for this problem doesn’t affect how much of a man you are. There are many factors that can lead to this condition. And this can be a signal that something else may be wring. Listen to your body. The answer is to walk through it with your doctor and discover that ways to address it.