Who is Angelina Jolie? Angelina Jolie the New and Old

Born Angelina Jolie Voight on June 4, 1975 to academy award winner John Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. Angelina was destined to be a star along with her brother James Haven. She trained at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and appeared in several USC School of Cinema films , all directed by her brother. However she started as a model in New York and Los Angeles.
She also stared in several music videos for Meatloaf, Lenny Kravitz and the Lemonheads. But none of these things are what she is truly noted for. Mention the name Angelina Jolie and your bound to hear about her husky voice, full lips and many tattoos.
Starting with her left wrist is the letter H. When she was dating Timothy Hutton she had an H tattooed on her left wrist for the two main men in her life. Now that she is no longer dating Timothy Hutton she swears the H stands for the other main man in her life, her brother James Haven. On her left forearm you will find the Tennessee Williams quote “A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages.”
Next is her perfectly flat stomach. The Latin quote “Quod me nutrit me destruit” which means what nourishes me also destroys me is tattooed across her stomach. If you look on her lower back you will find a blue window. She says it is for all the windows she has ever looked out of and wished she was somewhere else.
Her first movie was a small role in one her fathers movies in 1982. Lookin to get out was a story of two gamblers leaving New York for Las Vegas after losing a lot of money. Ten years later in 1993 she got a starring role in Cyborg 2. She played Casella Reese an almost human cyborg created by the Pinwheel Corporation in the year 2074. Casella Reese was designed to infiltrate the rival manufacturers headquarters and detonate herself but after falling in love with her martial arts instructor things go wrong. After they escape together the Pinwheel Corporation sends a cyborg tracker for them, and that’s when it really gets ugly.
She has two movies in the works right now. The Good Shepard is a movie about the early history of the Central Intelligence Agency. Robert Deniro is directing and acting in the Good Shepard. Some other stars in this one include Matt Damon, Joe Pesci, William Hurt, and Timothy Hutton. The Good Shepard is due to be released in 2006.
Her other movie isn’t due to hit the theatres until 2007. Beowulf is based on the epic poem Beowulf. It chronicles the exploits of Beowulf a Scandinavian hero who saves the Danes from a monster called Grendel. Robert Zemeckis will be directing this one. The cast promises to include Crispin Glover, Anthony Hopkins, and John Malkovich. Both movies promise to be as big as her other movies.