Who is Responsible for Enforcing Foreign Policies

There are many individuals including those from other countries and of the U.S. that question foreign policy and international affairs. One group that has gotten media attention over this issue is a student organization from the University of Texas called, “the Americans for informed democracy”. In this article the student group questions if Americans really have responsibility to enforce foreign polices on other countries. The student group discusses this topic not only within themselves but also through a video conference with other students from the Lahore School of Management in Pakistan. This debate opens the door for students from the United States to get involved with international affairs by talking to other students from a different country.

The article starts off by stating that the video conference between the two schools is entitled, “American Powers and Global Security”. Students from both sides discussed their opinions on foreign policies. The students from Pakistan thought that the US should fix problems within their country before assisting others. One Pakistani student also stated, “[The U.S. Government] cannot be the world police without starting inside the country first”. In return the students from the University of Texas stated opinions like the U.S. government should take military action but to do so with our allies instead of as an individual country.

The students also discussed the role of power and how much the U.S. should have with foreign policies. The Pakistani students emphasized that the U.S. needs to work with other countries than so they can have more views then just that of one country. In retaliation the students from Texas stated that only a selected few in the U.S. government decided to go into Iraq. Both sides also agreed to the opinion, “the United States’ attempt to spread democracy does not always work because not every country wants a democratic government”. The conference ended with students discussing how the Media delivers facts and information.

The students from both schools seemed very interested and concerned about foreign policies and U.S. involvement. The article seems to have several reasons on why it was written. One reason may be to show the views of students and opinions from a younger generation. This article shows how the youth of the world is getting more involved with political matters by actually participating. The article also seems like it’s meant to advertise to other students to get involved with issues like foreign policies. Another reason also may be to show that countries do have different views from one another on political issues. By showing these different views through the article it may offer understanding to both countries about the way they think.

On a different note, this article displays many interests that seem to be at stake. The article covers concerns about U.S. Invasion, the distribution of power, the enforcement of democracy, relations between countries, and the effects of media. The students from Pakistan stated their concerns on how the U.S. entered Iraq, and that they should concentrate on their own borders before entering other countries. The article also discusses how countries need to work with one another instead of over powering other countries. Also, the article goes into the fact that the media plays a big role in how people view information to make decisions. These issues seemed to be the highlighted views of the students in the article.

In conclusion, this article not only states the concerns of students with foreign policy but goes into depth on the issues that are affecting their countries. Both groups are communicating to each other through a video conference to educate each other about their views, and to offer understanding. This article is sort of a way to enlighten American citizens on foreign policies and to question what the real role the U.S. needs to have with other countries.

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