Wholesale Italian Charms

Are you an Italian Charm addict? Has your own interest in the product convinced you to try your luck as an Italian charm distributor?
In January 2006, over twenty-three thousand people performed searches on Overture.com, using the keyword phrase “wholesale Italian charms”. As of this writing, plugging the same phrase into GoogleÃ?© brings up thousands and thousands pages of information, as well. These numbers more than prove that Italian charms are still “all the rage”. Good news for online and traditional wholesalers, alike.
Italian charms are very versatile. They can be made into bracelets, anklets, belts, key chains and necklaces. The can be marketed in a number of ways, including home parties. As a wholesaler, you are able to purchase product suitable for, both, men and women.
You could literatly spend hours and hours wading through this data, searching for the wholesaler that most adequately fits your current need. You might even be tempted to buy a wholesale list that claims to include information in regard to Italian charm suppliers. (These lists are popular on well-known auction sites and do NOT come highly recommended. If you do decide to make a purchase such as this, read buyer feedback, first!)
The following wholesale Italian charm vendors, however, are worth investigating. Terms are clearly stated on their web sites. Contact information is available, should you have further questions.
CharmsLimoges.com – (http://www.charmslimoges.com/) This site offers thousands of Italian charms, photo charms, charm bracelets, glass charm beads, leather slide bracelets and other types of jewelry at very reasonable wholesale prices.
They require a tax ID number and allow you to fax or email it in. Minimum order $50. Re-order minimum $25. Secure online ordering. Customer service support is available, Monday through Friday. Payment can be made via PayPal or with a major credit card. Shipping options include no-cost, 1st class shipping. Merchandise may be exchanged within 15 days of the original order date.
Sarina’sCharms.com – (http://www.sarinascharms.com/wholesaleindex.php) Sarina offers the “next best thing” to more expensive brands of Italian charms, such as Unodomini and Zoppini.
Her authentic Italian charms are 18k gold, 18k gold plated or stainless steel. They are soldered, not glued. NO tax ID number required. Minimum order $100. Payment via PayPal. One week turn around time. Returns or exchanges within 30 days of original purchase date.
Sarina carries a wide variety of wholesale Italian charms, sterling silver dangles, enamel dangles, CZ pendants, her own line of “Sarina Originals” and more!
EJSilverbrooke.com – (http://www.ejsilverbrooke.com/catalog/) This family-owned business offers a variety of wholsale Italian charms. Current prices start at .23 each. Minimum order $250. Re-order minimum $100. Order via email or fax. Minimum processing time, 3-5 business days. Several payment method options. Exchanges within 10 days of purchase date.
In addition to wholesale Italian charms, EJS carries body jewelry, flip flop jewelry, rings, Red Hat Society�© jewelry and scores of other jewelry items.