Why Big Lots is the Best Discount Store in the World

I grew up going to Big Lots with my family. It was always a great store to find everything you needed and those things you didn’t really need, but couldn’t pass up because they were so cheap. To this day, I still make a special trip to Big Lots. I say special because the closest Big Lots is 40 miles from my house, but I go there at least once a month to stock up on household items. But what makes it worth driving that far, what makes Big Lots the best discount store in the world?


Big Lots is a discount store after all, but this isn’t your everyday discount store. You can find deals at Big Lots that you can’t find anywhere else. Big Lots may not be a fancy store, sometimes it’s not even the tidiest of stores, but it’s the cheapest of stores by far. I’m always amazed at the deals I find at Big Lots, that why I love going. I go specifically to stock up things like shampoo and body wash and then buy any other great deals that I find along the way and trust me, there’s lots of them to be found. You can get a buggy full of stuff and it only cost around $100.


As if the prices weren’t good enough, Big Lots sometimes has sales and this is when the prices are unbelievable. The last time I was at Big Lots I got bath sheets for $5 for a 2 pack. They also had queen sized satin sheets for $12.99 and a satin comforter set for $25. They also had amazing back to school offers. You could buy enough school supplies to fill a backpack for $20 and that included the price of the backpack! There were even news stories done on the price differences between Big Lots and larger department stores. Big Lots of course came out as the cheapest.


Last year, me and my boyfriend, got an angel off the angel tree, and found a lot of toys that this child was wanting at Big Lots. We were able to buy several things for this child because Big Lots had such great prices. You can find something for everyone on your list, at Big Lots. You can get bath sets, kitchen supplies, tools, stocking stuffers and so much more for such low prices that you’ll be able to get your friends and family several gifts for very little and they’ll think you’ve spent hundreds of dollars. Of course you’ll also be tempted to buy yourself several of these items, and the best part is, at these prices you can.


Big Lots has several different departments making it easy to find what you need at a great price. Me and my boyfriend have gone in there any bought items for our car, snacks, shampoo, USB cables, groceries, and picture frames. If there’s something I need, I always look for it at Big Lots because you never know what they’ll have.

The Hunt

Big Lots inventory is always changing. This means you can go there one week and find a ton of great deals and then go there a month later and find more great deals that they didn’t have the last time. For a bargain hunter, Big Lots is like Heaven. You can spend hours in there looking in every department and finding lots of great deals. You never know what you might find, and sometimes you’ll find stuff that is out of place and in the wrong section. It is usually the last one and you can’t believe you were lucky enough to find it. This is what makes Big Lots fun.

Household Items

Big Lots by far is the best place to buy your household items. You will find brand name cleaning supplies for a fraction of what you would pay at a department store or even a dollar store. You’ll also find great deals on things like shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, and any other bathroom items you might need. You can find bottles of Pantene and Aussie shampoo that are over 40 ounces for only a little over $4. You can also find great deals on dog and cat food, kitchen supplies, groceries, sheets, towels and wash clothes, and whatever else you can think of. Big Lots has it all.

Remanufactured Items

Some people are really funny about buying remanufactured items, which is really stupid in my opinion. I have bought items and had them tear up on me and had to take them back to the store. To me, remanufactured just means that the items have already been fixed and I won’t have to worry about it breaking on me. If this doesn’t bother you, then you’ll be happy to know that Big Lots has tons of remanufactured items ranging from DVD recorders to water coolers to vacuums. Me and my boyfriend found a GE water cooler there, for $89. It held a 5 gallon water jug and also had a small refrigerator on the bottom, which is perfect for pops. A refrigerator that size would cost $90 alone, so this was one of those amazing deals that you only find at Big Lots.

Big Lots is probably my favorite store because I get so much there for so little. The deals are truly unique to Big Lots; you just can’t find deals like that anywhere else. This is why Big Lots is the best discount store in the world.

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