Why Do People Live in RV’s Full Time?

Up until last month I thought people lived in RV’s in RV parks because they enjoyed a simpler life that consisted of traveling the country and seeing God’s beautiful land. I am discovering that I am quite wrong about that. Some people live in RV’s in RV parks because it is all they can afford. They find an old beat up RV for around $1000.00, that needs a little work, and they park it in an RV park from $230.00 per month, and up. For many people, this is all they can afford

Over the past few months our family did a lot of camping. We have multiple health problems because of we lived in a house with toxic mold for 5 years. We had lived in the Midwest and decided to move to Colorado where the air was much dryer. In Indiana we could not even go outside because of how allergic we had become to everything, especially what was in the air. Because of all our allergies we did a lot of camping because almost all motel rooms we attempted to rent, made us sick and we had to leave!

This is why we are now living in an RV. We found a couple that had a 5th wheel for sale and was selling it on payments, so we bought it. Being victims to mold, it is hard to find a place to rent that is mold free, and to live in anything with mold would be suicidal! Finding our 5th wheel and cheap place to park at, was a Blessing to our entire family because it was mold free. Many people have this problem and live in RV’s in RV parks so they can live without being exposed to molds. That is not saying that RV’s do not have mold, some do, but if it is a well built RV, and is properly cared for, it does not usually happen.

So why do people live in RV parks? I guess for a number of reasons. It is a cheap way to live if you are on social security, or another fixed income. Electric is cheap for RV’s because they use tiny lights and lots of energy saving electrical items and appliances. You get free WIFI at many RV parks, and some even have cable TV. If you are on a fixed income, and you own an RV, I highly recommend an RV park. It’s inexpensive, relaxing, and if you decide on a park in the mountains, it is just beautiful! Our entire family recommends RV living, it’s a great way of life.

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