Why Do Women Snoop?

How many times have women checked her mate’s cell phone, pockets, glove compartment and the whole nine? Is snooping part of a woman’s nature? Guess the question would be equal to – why do men cheat and make women snoop? Nonetheless, women can be just as savvy as the private investigator who charges per hour. Yet, the most compelling question of all is – -are women invading the privacy of men?
Camille Alexander, 35 of New York is a married woman and admits that she has snooped. Her claim is that, “I need to be sure that my husband is not doing anything.” Alexander has contends that her snooping reassures her. Ultimately, she prefers to snoop and not find anything. However, most men could come back with a powerful argument and state that when one snoops, one is bond to find something. Is this true?
If men only knew the lengths that some women are willing to go through just to find out if the good old intuition is true. Playing “I SPY” is the name of the game, but does this apply to everyone? How many rights does a girlfriend have opposed to a fiancÃ?© or wife? Alexander claims she has the answer to that question and contends that, ” I have a title and Mrs. stands forâÂ?¦My Rights Superceded All.”
With a slight giggle Alexander recalls catching her husband snoop on her. She stated, “My husband has looked in my phone, more times than I have looked in his.” So does this mean that women have gotten a bad rep? Are men just as likely to snoop as women are? So many questions and no answers. But, the true question is: why do women or men snoop?
Shouldn’t we trust the one we love and who says they love us back? These days we all are more apt to proclaim such feelings after we do background checks, down low stake outs, and ramble through personal items. Yet, if snooping applies to both men and women then it’s truly a funny thing. This means that the snooper is also the one being snooped on. Go figure!