Why I Love The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Mop

By this point, everyone who knows me is aware of my love for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Any product that can clean the dirt out of the textured surface of my refrigerator door handle with just one easy swipe or remove crayon from my walls and floors in the blink of an eye has my complete loyalty. I’ve been an ardent fan since I purchased my first Mr. Clean Magic Eraser over a year ago, and it’s made cleaning the house easier ever since. That said, imagine my joy when I was in the mop isle of my local big box store and discovered that Mr. Clean now makes a Magic Eraser Mop! While I was running my errands, I stopped to pick up a replacement for my traditional sponge mop, and I spied this great product. I love it, and I’m never switching back to my old mop. Here’s why:

The mop head replacements are universal

This means that the refills will fit most mops, so you don’t need to buy a whole new mop to use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser mop refill. The package lists the brands with which it is compatible. Better yet, it comes in regular and roller mop versions. If you’re in the market for a whole new mop, they sell mops with the heads, too.

It cleans well without much effort

Like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, the mop version takes a lot of the scrubbing out of the cleaning job. I found that after my first time mopping with the Magic Eraser head, my kitchen floor looked cleaner than it ever had with my traditional sponge mop. Best of all, I didn’t have to spend a lot of time scrubbing at the stubborn spots. The Magic Eraser on a stick just wiped them away. It also seemed to clean more dirt from the little crevices than my old mop did. I was totally happy.

It leaves less water on the floor

It leaves less water on the floor after cleaning than traditional mops leave behind. This may be a result of the “magic” material that makes up the Mr. Clean mop head. When you wring it out, it really releases a great deal of water, leaving just enough in the mop head to clean the floor well. I’m no longer left with floors full of puddles that always seem to be a byproduct of cleaning with traditional sponge mop heads.

If you decide to rush out and get a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Mop for yourself, I do have one warning. Check the package to make sure that your floor surface is safe to use with the “magic” material. However wonderful the mystery substance may be, there are some surfaces that can be damaged by it. (You don’t want to turn a simple cleaning into a major home improvement project.) Always check the package recommendations before you use it, and test a small area before cleaning. Also, I wish the material would last a bit longer. It holds up through enough cleanings that I feel I’m getting my money’s worth, but it doesn’t last quite as long as a traditional sponge. I think the fact that it does a much better job than a sponge tips the scales in its favor, though. I’m very happy with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Mop, and hopefully you will be as well. Now, if they could only adapt their “magic” material and create a product that could clean carpet and upholstered furniture with such ease…

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