Why Smudging My Home was One of the Best Things I Ever Did for Myself

Within a week’s time, the dryer stopped working. The fan in his bathroom sounded like an airplane was crashing into our home. Land line phone calls were suddenly dropped for no apparent reason. The septic tank backed up. It was one thing after another. I told her that it was his way of telling us that he wasn’t happy with what she had done. Of course she thought I was nuts.
Over the next few years, I could still feel his presence in the home. I could hear him walking upstairs long after my mother went to bed. It felt more like a threatening presence than a welcoming one. I knew I needed to do something about this in order to get some peace in my life.
When my mother was diagnosed with dementia a few years later, her mood swings were almost unbearable. I knew if I didn’t do something about improving the energy of the house soon, I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Then, one of my friends told me about smudging. She told me to buy a bunch of dried up sage all tied up, then light up a candle and say a prayer, then afterwards use the candle to burn the sage and let the smoke drift all over the rooms. She told me to also get all the corners of the rooms as well, and to make sure that all the windows are opened up while you’re doing this in order to let the spirit and all the negative energy leave the rooms.
I waited until my sister picked mom up one day and I knew they would be gone for a while. I did exactly what I was supposed to do. Some rooms I did twice. Once I was done, I felt a peace like I have never known. The energy of the whole house had entirely shifted. When my mom came back home, I noticed over the next few days a real change in her attitude. I feel that smudging my house has truly turned it into a real home.