Why Some Men Can’t Get Women?

Being shy
Being shy is a big no no. Women like confident and react more to a man that is confident. Not over confident women hate that. You have to show that you’re sure of yourself and what you want and right then and there you should want here. Eye contact is a key, make love to her with your eyes in a soft and sensual way while you do your intro. Don’t look around because she might think you’re scouting other females and think your just running a game on her. Don’t babble, when you begin you babble you begin to look and feel stupid. Confident goes along way b ut know when there’s a limit to not to be too confident. Let her talk, by her talking you listen for her voice pattern, by this you could tell if she interested or not. just keep the eye contact up and talk sensible and you should have at least a name.
Being a jerk
When a women reject you please don’t say nothing stupid to her after she reject you. It just make you seem stupid and a jerk that wanted to get in her pants. When she reject you listen to what her reject is. If she says she got a boyfriend, respect that and tell her he’s a lucky man and give him my regards. By doing this you’re open her up to make her know you’re friendly. This is if she says she has a boyfriend but if she says she has, a man, a husband or simply not interested you have no chance and should just keep it moving. When a women says she has a man that mean she in a secure relationship and her man take care of her just how she like it. Don’t be an ass and say you can treat her better than her man because the truth is the only man that could treat her better than her man is her father. When you try to mess up a marriage i believe you’re going against God. Just keep it moving and accept your lost.
Being a pervert
Porn is good but when you treat everyday women as porn stars you have a problem. Women do want to be treated like a porn stars at times but not all the time. I understand women are a beautiful things but when degrade them into nothing whores for your pleasure you’ll get nowhere. She wants to be treated like a lady 85% and the other 15% is your fantasies. Most ladies want to fulfill their man fantasies as long as their reasonable and understandable. You have a favorite porn star make her you favorite lady. You’ll know everything about your favorite porn stars learn everything about your favorite woman.
These are just a few things i recognize and view why some men just can’t get a women. It not they don’t have the skills it that they don’t know how to apply the skills. Every man could be a “stud” they just need to know how to go about it and stop trying to copy another man. Copying is not accepted in the world women love original and when they could tie to you not another man you may have a problem.