Why Wal-Mart is the Best Department Store in the World

I’ll admit it; I’m a Wal-Mart-aholic. I can spend a couple hours in there just looking. Wal-Mart is a great store whether you’re on a budget or not. I’d rather shop at a Super Center Wal-Mart than a regular Wal-Mart though because I can pick up some groceries while I pick up everything else. But what makes Wal-Mart the best department store in the world?


I’ve shopped at several department stores and Wal-Mart always has the best prices. Wal-Mart strives to offer the best deals possible. All across the store you’ll find great deals. These deals are usually better than your local dollar stores and grocery stores. When I make a grocery list and need something that isn’t on sale at my local grocery stores, I’ll put it on my Wal-Mart list because I know it will be cheaper there than at the grocery store. Same goes for cleaning supplies, Wal-Mart offers wonderful deals on things like all purpose cleaners, paper towels, trash bags, etc. Then there are the clearance sections.


Throughout Wal-Mart there are several clearance sections offering amazing deals. Before you would only find one big clearance section, but now there is a clearance section is almost every department at Wal-Mart. Some of the best deals can be found in the Health and Beauty section and the Clothing Section. I’ve found pants for $3 and expensive skin cleansers and moisturizers for only $1-2. You really have to be in the right place at the right time when shopping the clearance section at Wal-Mart. Always check each section for great deals. A few months back I found The 90s Edition of Trivial Pursuit for $9! It was originally $30. I’ve even got free items because they were on clearance and I had a coupon. Either way, the clearance sections help make Wal-Mart the best department store in the world.


I know I mentioned them earlier, but Wal-Mart having a grocery store section really makes your day a lot easier. No one likes making 3 or 4 stops, picking up a couple items here and there. They’d much rather buy everything they need in one store. Wal-Mart has always been the leader of department stores and it’s not surprising that K-Mart and Target have since added smaller grocery departments to their department stores. None of them however, are as huge as the grocery department at Wal-Mart Super Centers. Actually the Wal-Mart grocery department is bigger than most grocery stores. They also offer more products than most grocery stores and they have an awesome bakery that has fresh baked breads for only $1.25. They also have a deli that offers a wide variety of meats and cheeses and several hot items that allow you to skip cooking for the night.


Besides groceries, Wal-Mart offers just about everything you need, from bath towels to DVDs to motor oil, it’s all easily found at Wal-Mart. You can make a huge list and instead of going to the auto parts store, grocery store, video store, and pharmacy, you can get everything you need in one store. It doesn’t get any easier. Also each department offers several varieties of what you need. For example, Wal-Mart carries at least 100 different DVDs. If you need a prepaid cell phone you’ll have at least 3 different carriers to choose from and several different phones from each carrier. You don’t have to settle when it comes to Wal-Mart. If you stop by your local dollar store, you’ll usually be stuck with one choice of whatever you’re buying.

If I had to pick one reason I think Wal-Mart is the best department store in the world, it would have to be price. When comparing prices of Wal-Mart, Target, and K-Mart, Wal-Mart is always the cheapest. I don’t know why anyone would ever shop anywhere else.

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