Why Women Hate Men

And she said,
“Why did you do this to us?”
It’s too common that men get blamed for all of the emotional and mechanical errors when it comes to women. Can you blame them? Of all the horrendous and nightmarish memories we’ve scarred them with for years and years? Of all the heartaches, pains and the way we trashed our women from today and yesterday, can you be upset at them? It’s harder being on the outside looking in, isn’t it?
More common than we believe, women are more so misjudged and wrongfully accused of characteristics they have no affiliation with: If she gives her number too fast she’s probably a slut, if she doesn’t give her phone number she’s a stuck up bitch, if she doesn’t want to have sex she’s faking, if she doesn’t want to go out after the first date she’s a gold digger, if she enjoys hanging around the house on most nights she’s a goodie-two-shoes and if she’s busy she’s a liar; pick your poison. Most men if not all have said these things at a time or two in their lives. It’s not a natural phase, just a misunderstanding of something many men haven’t taken the time to learn about.
If she tries to speak, she’s talking too much. When she tries to express her feelings, she’s blowing it out of proportion. If she doesn’t want to talk about it she’s holding out, when she says she needs some space, she’s seeing another man. If she has classes in the morning, she doesn’t have time for me anymore. More poison to choose? No wonder why so many women hate our men’s guts.
We here the typical male dialect about women, but is it true? We here how our men talk about women so badly, but what’s the purpose? Men think they know woman, but we dont have any idea what’s it like to be one. From the amount of time it takes to style up for a potential good date, to the occasional pain of a monthly menstrual cycle, to learning how to balance in high heels, there’s nothing to hold back about it. Give these women credit! They have their share of problems to grip.
Face it men, we’ll never be able to fully grasp the state of being. We’ll never know what it’s like to be hit on and followed everyday by huge and gruesome looking perverts, stalked by the geeky internet-boy next door, declined a promotion or lose a job because our boss wanted to flirt and be sexual but we declined and got fired, we’ll never know how it feels to have to spend 3 hours preparing for a 45 minute luncheon, bleeding genitalia, we never wonder if the person were dating is planning to kidnap us, if the person were visiting is going to rape us, if the son a glitch standing behind us going to sexually harass us, dodging sexual predators and we’ll never know what it’s like to be stared at and treated as if were sex symbols when all we really want is someone to notice us for who we are. Most men have never experienced these things and have no idea what that could feel like after a while.
Think about love. How it can be happy, leaving you peaceful and chatty, uplifting you to levels you thought you’d never reach. Yet at the same time, heartbreaking – frightening, a scary & panicky ball all wrapped up into one tortilla shell. But even after all that heartache and pain, a handful of our women still love us, even though they hate us. They lay low for a while, recharge, and next thing you know there back at it again. Others may actually give up or seek interest in same sex partners.
So when you put all the pieces together; taking one final look at the picture, can we blame them? Why do you think women hate men so much? Are we men just totally innocent beings and they are antagonists who defy our existence? Is it because were always right and they’re always wrong? Is it because we know everything, and we are superior to them? No However,
I hope to have some answer(s) for you by the time you finish reading this.
“So why do you think we hate you so much?” she asked me.
I took a huge gulp, knowing I had no other choice than to tell the truth.
“âÂ?¦ Because… we made it that way.”
“Why women hate men so much.”
My brothers, women are tired of our asses! They’re sick of us begging for their phone numbers when we can’t even beg for a bar of soap and a breath mint. How unaware we sometimes are of good hygiene when we go growling in people’s faces. Karate odor is a cardinal sin, by the time we’ve breathed a filthy “hello” we’ve already shot ourselves in the foot, a dozen times. Thank goodness she had the decency not to put us on blast. Instead, she politely declined your request and held tight to her phone number. She could’ve screamed out, “F*** you, you stinking-a** b****,” like we normally do when we don’t get
what we want.
It’s hard not turning away by some of the ways we approach our women now and days. We combine street dialect in the form of something supposedly “sweet.” It’s not surprising that the wrong influences have misguided young men in their approach to meeting women. No disrespect to some of our favorite recording artists, but too many rap vocalists continue to introduce disrespectful customs in approaching and dealing with women. For men who do know better, we don’t take the lyrics to heart because we know how disrespectful it is. The appreciation of music is much deeper than hanging on a person’s every word. By doing such we end up with approaches like,
“Hey lover, who you here wit?”
“Girl you father must be a terrorist because you sure are the bomb.”
“If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put “U” and “I” together.”
“I know you must be tired, cause you been running through my mind.”
“You make me wish I was single.”
“You make me wish I wasn’t married.”
“Let me get that number.”
“Holla at your boy.”
“You can’t have no friends? Your man got you on lock like that.”
“What he don’t know won’t hurt him.”
“He won’t find out.”
“He won’t know.”
“You know he can’t handle all that.”
“Back that thang up.”
“Shake that laffy taffy.”
“That’s my b****”
“Yeah, I am hitting that.”
“She giving it up?”
Approaches like these make women hate men and are responsible for 60% of unsuccessful attempts at getting a phone number. These are a small percent of what the world uses today, most of these lines are out of date and or out of stock. Nevertheless, when an attractive woman passes by, some risk it all with lines like these. In this era of 2006, these examples are censored to what many women hear and deal with. Let’s face facts; most men simply do not know how to
approach a woman, or keep her.
Please take the time to answer the following question:
If your mother came home and told you that some guy at work fondled her doing a Christmas party at work, would
you be upset?
Of course you would, and if you didn’t what kind of son are you?
Believe it or not, women really hate it when men approach them from behind at a party, grab hold and go for the joyride. It’s somewhat similar to a burglar saying, “You weren’t home, so I figured you wouldn’t mind.” Just because she’s dancing doesn’t give you the right to just leap on and ride her off into the sunset, cowboy. For many of us who do happen to get an opportunity to dance, we get thrown out of wack with the situation. It’s just a dance, not a honeymoon. There’s no need to go grabbing and feeling on everything in sight. Nor is their any reason for me to go in greater detail about this subject. Most of us have done it, and women hate us for it every time it happens.
Appreciation is another factor women have our number on. After spending their daily hours slaving away over a hot stove, cleaning, spicing up for date, doing the dishes, laundry and other projects we should be able to do ourselves, some of us barely say, “Thank you.” Were so busy with our jobs, so in tune to everything else instead of whats going on at home or around us to see the full picture. If we don’t have time to say thank you, maybe it’d be better to just show our women a good time. Dinner, favorite movie, favorite hobby, something special, anything to show our appreciation. Women are disgusted at how some men don’t compliment or act as if they don’t notice these things at all.
Women spend hundreds of dollars, time and dedication into making themselves appealing for us. New hairstyles, manicures, pedicures, eyeliner, lipstick, outfits and sparkling smiles decorate their paraphernalia. How do we repay women for this, by seeing past their efforts, personalities and using their appeal against them. Truthfully, they want our attention. They would like to be noticed, not because of the clothes they wear, but because of the person on the inside. It’s just a shame that they have to spend so much money just so we’ll look. How else do we repay our women? We go out and cheat, disrespect them, call them b*tches and deny them the right to express themselves.
During marriages, certain things shouldn’t be subject to change. Married women have stated they feel we take advantage of them to a certain extent. We do. After being married for five or six years, we stop doing some of those special things we used to, whatever they may be. On other occasions we fight over the remote control, who’s driving and who’s in charge of this or that. In many occasions, we do most of the “I am the captain of this ship,” chant. Yet, I regret to be frank, some of us don’t even help out around the house or with bills.
She’s only able to take so many things at one time…
Have you ever heard of, the 13 Strike Rule?
Strike #1/In the Bedroom:
Fellas they say it’s nothing more frustrating then our lack of care and passion between the sheets when it’s time. We want it just as bad as they do, but we aren’t willing to do some of those ‘special favors’ we crave for ourselves so often. Not to mention, we think we know all the tricks and the trades of satisfying, thus, we aren’t open to any new ideas on how to enhance our sexual intimacy. The bedroom is a zone that can be ‘either or’. Either we are too square when it comes to sex, or too roundhouse and rough; making sex more difficult or painful than it has to be.
If that isn’t the case, we race to get ours out of the way first, and don’t think twice about our women. For the record, great sex requires sexual compatibility; something many men don’t care for now and days. Not to mention, most men still prefer to sleep around and have unprotected sex, because it feels better without a condom. What could be worst than bringing home a disease or infection from another person’s body and giving it to your wife or significant other? Ladies watch yourselves; there are several brothers out there who may do that.
Strike #2/Out on the streets:
Men are expected to act different in front of the wife/lover, on oppose to being out with the poker buddies from around the corner. The problem women have is how Men are incapable of differentiating the two. Women hate how men bring the streets into their home in attempt that it’s acceptable. Yet, many men still do it regardless. Some women aren’t too quick to admit it, others will tell you the instant it happens.
Strike #3/ “I run this.”
There is no worst way to get underneath a woman’s skin than to say things like,
“I run this.”
“I am the captain of this ship.”
“I am the man of the house and what I say goes.”
“I get the final verdict.”
“I am in charge here.”
“I run this” has become a common attitude that the majority of men carry, and women once again really hate us for this.
“I run this” can affect many different situations: The kids, places to eat, what to watch on tv, what to wear, what to do, what to say, where to go, what to cook, who takes the shower first, when to have sex, which car to drive, which vacation to choose from, etc. The list goes on and on, but at some point a compromise has to come into play. This really bothers women, especially when you don’t help pay bills, helpout around the house yet have the nerve to complain.
Strike #4/ Quality time:
A relationship is meant to be passionate, spontaneous, enjoyable, soothing and easygoing, difficult, but tranquil at the same time. It isn’t meant to be nightmarish, routine and uncompromising. A good woman knows her worth; she wants to spend her time with someone who not only appreciates her, but one who also values her time. If spending time with your loved one is miserable than the two of you may need to figure out what makes quality time so miserable. It really drives a woman up the wall when she doesn’t feel like she can enjoy quality with her lover. Unfortunate things do happen; sometimes it gets pushed away at the last minute – which brings us to our next strike.
Strike #5/ Cutting in between quality time:
Imagine your favorite TV show is going to host a huge one hour episode that is a must see! Some of the hottest celebrities, scenes and events are going to take place on this show. You’ve been waiting for this episode for two weeks. You have your refreshments, kickback-couch, and alcohol ready to be sipped. Suddenly, two minutes before your program you find out that the show has been cancelled. How would you feel?
That’s how it feels for women when they plan quality time events for us and get shot out at the last minute. Unfortunate things do happen, but they always seem to happen when stuff is planned. Yet when there’s something we want to do, we hoot and holler about how important it is, how its such a must. The most confusing part of it all is how we don’t use the same effort in applying that eagerness to our relationship.
Strike #6/ A thing about Toilets
Put it back down after use!!!!
Don’t P with the door open or I’ll cut it off!!!!!
Strike #7/ Wandering eyes.
Women know men look at other women. Men know women look at other men. The fact of the matter is that it’s all in how it’s done. Some men are pigs about it;uncaring how their woman may feel. Some of us are such pigs that we’ll even make comments or compare what we have to what’s standing over there at the pay phone.
Yet, if our woman took the time to check out another man the same way, her lover would go ballistic.
Strike #8/ “But I am coming back home to you, though.”
Men do tend to believe in this rule a lot. ‘As long as I am out doing whatever, if I come back home to you there shouldn’t be a problem.’ It is a problem. The fact is that were out further engaging with another woman and neglecting the charm we have back at home. The same woman at home is the woman believes in us, helped us turn our lives around, listened to us, kept our heads up when we felt down, cooked/cleaned for us, rubbed our back after work and even let us let the garbage pile up because she knew Football was on. Yet some of us go out there and still need more.
THERE IS a huge problem with this, because we aren’t being real with women nor ourselves. If we took the time to realize what we had in front of us, how valueable it is, and what we may lose maybe some of us may reconsider. Thus, one soul can be saved, just not the whole world.
Strike #9/ Support.
Most women don’t have much support now and days. It’s sad seeing single mother’s who have been left behind by their “supporter.” Sometimes the other half is in the picture the whole time, but chooses not to be a part of the help. No – she can’t do it all by herself, but she can do fine all by herself. Life can get rough at times, and probably even tougher if the person your with can’t offer that encouragement and support to help you along the way. Were not Superman/Superwomen ladies and gentleman; we can’t do everything by ourselves.
Strike #10/ Hearing & Listen.
We need to do more of it. How else can we get to know ourselves and the people around us. There’s a huge difference between hearing one speak and processing it.
Strike #11/ Lies, lies and lie.
Women really hate men who lie,men who act as if they are so afraid of the truth because it’ll ruin them; cars, property, occupation, size, stamina, things they’ve done, the way they told their friends off, their feelings, health, old love, sex, possessions, clothes, old girlfriends, accomplishments and other things that can boost one “higher.”
Strike #12/ Acting as if it’s cool when it’s really not.
She just asked you how would you feel if she went out with her girls from work on a naked all-male cruise around the world and you’re not invited.
“That’s cool.”
No its not cool! Speak now or forever hold your peace. Men need to speak up more when they don’t agree or something is wrong. Men withhold their feelings because they don’t want to seem jealous or “over-anxious” about their lover because if they do, boom! She’s got you. And now she can use this against you to maybe get what she wants or just to screw with your head. We lie about these things because we don’t want to be left exposed by the truth, we do care. Women know this already, but they hate it when we don’t give into it.
Truthfully you would be in a much bigger mess if you didn’t express some sort of concern for your lady to go on a cruise like that. If you told her no, chances are you may not really care about her too much. No man in their right mind would allow their wife/lover to do such a thing. It’s all right to be honest. I believe being honest with ourselves is something we all can learn to do better.
Strike #13/ Physical and Mental Abuse:
Don’t do it..
Note to my brothers:
This article isn’t to bash against my own kind, isn’t meant to reveal some of men’s darkest and most hidden secrets. It’s meant for woman to get a clearer picture as to who we are afraid to say we are at times. We only live half-lives when we can’t be who we really are. What good is life if we always have to hide and conceal every little thing? Who are we really? We aren’t being honest, and being ourselves.
How did I manage to squeeze out so much in this article? How did I happen to pinpoint it and critique it in such detail?
I don’t know.
I guess being around and witnessing some of these conditions throughout my life has given me an insight for these things.
I know what some of these situations are like for women because I’ve seen it first hand, unfortunately. Hopefully, this article is deep enough and meaningful to readers and the sexes out there looking to gain more insight on the love within our realms..
Peace and God Bless.