Why Women Have More Strokes Than Men

A stroke (also called a brain attack) is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain, usually caused by blood clots that block vessels and can result in death of brain cells. A stroke can cause vision problems, paralysis, speech difficulties or loss of consciousness.

Women are more likely to have a stroke than men. Millions of women die each year due to a stroke. Many doctors do not take heart attacks and strokes in women seriously because it is so uncommon during reproductive years. That;s probably due to the plentiful supply of female hormone that the ovaries make before menopause. A stroke refers to brain damage resulting from the interruprion of blood supply. In some people it can kill them or leave them brain damaged for life. Here are the more-important risk factors and how they can be minimized. Some are common to both sexes; others are more relevant in women:

Smoking is a mjor rich in both sexes, but women smokers are more liely to have stroke than nonsmokers or male smokers. If your partner or you live with someone smokes than your risk rises. If you can try to have everyone stop or quit slowly that will help your risk of having a stroke.

Pregnancy rises the raises the risk of stroke because ths blood clots during the nine months. Some women they have high blood pressure which can cause strokes easily. It is best for pregnant women to be less stressed during this time period. Being pregnant does make you stress and worry but you need to let the time go by and soon it will be over.

Birth-control, especially in women over the age of 35 have to worry about blood clots. You need to take a lower-dose of birth control pills. Talk to your doctor about the patch or ahving your tubes tied up. Women who are emotionally abused have a greater risk for arthritis, migraines, sexually transmitted diseases and ulcers.

High blood pressure can be the number one cause for your stroke. Lowering your blood pressure can help lower your risk for stroke. You can get your blood pressure checked in a pharmacy or your doctors office. People with diabetes, high cholesterol and those who are overweight have a hish risk for having a stroke. Try to lose the weight it will not only make you feel and look thin but you will make you healthier. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, poor diet, medication, sedentary lifestyle, obesity as well as family history all weigh into the calculation of stroke risk. If you are overweight, you are at higher risk for health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. These are all separate risk factors for stroke.

There are many reasons why people stress and have high blood pressure but you need to take care of yourself for health reasons. Strokes can kill or leave you in a vegetable state of mind and body. The common stroke symptoms and warning signs are:
Ã?· Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg – especially on one side of the body
�· Sudden confusion or trouble speaking
�· Sudden dizziness, loss of balance and coordination or trouble walking
�· Sudden difficulty seeing with one or both eyes
�· Sudden severe headache without a known cause

What is a stroke?

A stroke, also called a cerebrovascular accident, cerebrovascular disease or CVA, is damage to the brain due either to blockage in blood flow or to loss of blood from blood vessels in the brain. Blockage in blood flow or loss of blood causes the brain to lack oxygen and blood nutrients. The brain requires a constant flow of blood to work properly. If the blood flow is disrupted, brain cells do not receive enough oxygen, resulting in cell death. The degree of damage that results from a stroke is dependent on where and how much blood flow to the brain is interrupted. A stroke can be a symptom of a serious condition such as brain cancer.

Categories of Strokes?
There are two major categories of stroke: hemorrhagic and ischemic. Within the major categories are different kinds of strokes.

In ischemic strokes, there is a blockage of blood flow to the brain. About 80% of all strokes are ischemic. Ischemic strokes usually occur when a blood clot forms in a blood vessel in the brain or neck. Blood clots can also travel from other parts of the body, such as the heart, to the neck or brain and cause a stroke. A blood vessel that is extremely narrowed can also cause an ischemic stroke.

In hemorrhagic strokes a blood vessel in the brain is leaking or broken. These types of strokes accounts for approximately one out of five strokes. Hemorrhagic stroke is associated with a higher death rate than ischemic stroke. Hemorrhage can occur from a weak or thinned out area on the artery wall that balloons out over time, and then ruptures.

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