Why You Can’t Live Without a Skito Saddle Pad

The Skito Equalizer pads are the very best saddle pads to ever come to market. The Skito will fit both treed and treeless saddles. They consist of a fleece underside, and a tapestry, twill fabric, or cordura top, with a Velcro pocket that holds an insert made of open cell urethane foam in Ã?½ inch, Ã?¾ inch, or a full 1 inch thickness. This open cell foam creates a channel down the spine that virtually eliminates any pressure points directly over the horse’s spine. The various thicknesses of the foam inserts allows you to custom fit your pad to your horse, as well as use the pad, with various thickness inserts on different horses or with different saddles. The materials of the Skito pad allow the heat buildup under your saddle to flow through the pad. The pad is absorbent and versatile. Those riding horses over long distance highly recommend this saddle pad. It can be custom cut to your saddle, or purchased in various English and Western styles.
My Skito Equalizer pad was purchased in black because I prefer a neutral shade to go with my various colors of bridles and breast collars. However, the Skito saddle pad is manufactured in many solid colors and patterns including: Evergreen, burgundy, black, royal blue, brown, navy, grey, red, purple, teal, hunter green, natural, berry, khaki, ivory, sky blue, patterns are broken arrow in cedar, green, and red, woodland smoke, and garnet. As you can see there is a color available for everyone. There is a pad to appeal to the male or female equestrian.
The very best aspect of my Skito pad is that I can machine wash it. All I have to do is remove the inserts and hose them off with cold water and lay them flat to dry. The pad cover itself goes into my washer on cold, then is hung over a rail to air dry. Once dry I use a lint remover to pick up any horse hair that may be on the pad. The pad quickly reassembles and is ready to ride again! This will be my third riding season using this pad and the pad continues to remain in good shape. Should I have a problem, the pad covers have a number on them so you can re-order a cover to fit perfectly, or replace the inserts if they show evidence of wear. What other company makes replaceable parts for a saddle pad?
This year I’ll be starting a three year old Arabian. I’m already thinking of which saddle pad I will order for her when she starts down the trail next season. All I have to consider is the next pretty color, as the brand I’ll purchase is Skito. My horse and I just can’t live without a Skito. Now what can I do with the other five lesser made pads and blankets in my tack shed? Buy once, buy Skito.