Why You Need a Medical Specialist for International Adoption

Children from an international adoption come from all over the world. It doesn’t matter where they come from; there are usually health issues you’ll need to be concerned about. A new kind of doctors are helping parents cope with the pre and post adoption process in identifying potential problems, and correcting or treating new ones that they discover after your child’s arrival to the U. S. The adoption fact is that you’ll need to consider health issues in the beginning when speaking with your adoption agency about your special adoptee. Read on to find out how an international adoption specialist in medicine can help you, and what some of the facts about adoption diseases and health are.

A good place to look for the known diseases that often come from third world or Eastern European countries is to go to the U.S. governmental site at www.cdc.gov. The Center for Disease Control has regular updates on the most current information about known diseases, emerging diseases, and what you can do about them. There is a problem though with children adopted from overseas in an international adoption, most of the time there is inadequate information, or you might find that their immunizations are not up to U. S. standards of type, and how often they received their shots against diseases. Some children are not immunized at all.

Not only will you need to think about the correct immunizations for your child, but there are other serious health’s issues that you’ll need to look for in the adoption process with your international adoption agency. Remember, the information that adoption agencies have is the most current, but then again, they can only present you with the information they have, and can’t guarantee you that it’s without flaws. The top health issues for children from other countries are listed below.

� Hepatitis
� Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

All three diseases have serious health consequences for your child if they have been exposed. Hepatitis can destroy your adoptees liver through inflammation. Many children that are adopted from third world countries have gotten the disease through their mother or from contact with others in unsanitary living conditions. A wealth of information can be found at www.lpch.org. The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital of Stanford University can mail you information about Hepatitis and other diseases.

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
725 Welch Rd.
Palto Alto, CA. 94304

HIV is another disease with serious consequences for your adopted child. The website www.thebody.com has special updates on HIV and a lot of good sources to read about the HIV disease and how to live with it.

Fetal Alcohol syndrome is found in a lot of children from the Eastern block countries that make up the area around Russia. It causes heart defects, diseased joints, slow growth and a form of mental retardation, and lot of other physical problems too. The Internet website www.nofas.org is funded by the Center for Disease Control, and there are tons of articles, books, and answers to frequently asked questions on the subject of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or you can write them at:

National Organization of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
900 17th St. NW
Suite 90
Washington, D. C. 2006
Phone: 1-202-785-4585 or Toll Free at 1-800-66NOFAS

There is a new wave of pediatricians that are assisting adoption agencies and couples that are adopting from an overseas country. In your pre adoption processes consider contacting a pediatrician, and letting them look over your potential adoptees files. They can review the entire medical information packet, and let you know what potential risks of know diseases that your child might have. Also, they can evaluate what immunizations are needed, and if the doses conform to the U. S. standards. One of the most important things you can do is to have the most up to date photo of your adoptee. Diseases such as FAS can be readily seen in children by your trained Pediatrician. If your unsure about a pediatrician to work with, your adoption agency can put you into contact with a well qualified one for a review of your adoptees health file and pictures.

Take some time and learn about the potential health issues that you might encounter. After all you want the best for your child, and you need to know what you can do to help them live the best life that you can give them.

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