Why You Need to Study Abroad in Salamanca

Look no further than Salamanca, Spain for your study abroad experience. Located 212 km west of Madrid, it is a short train ride to the nation’s capital. Salamanca is located in the southwest corner of Castile y Leon region of Spain, in the western part of Spain near Portugal. With a population of 363,000 Salamanca is not your average small town. It is home to the oldest university in Spain “Universidad de Salamanca” founded in 1218, by King Alfonso IX of Leon .

Everywhere you turn in this vibrant city you find college students from all over the world. Named Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2002, and a designated UNSECO world heritage site in 1988, it’s no wonder that Salamanca is full of life and vigor.
The city’s history and architectural marvel distinguish it from it’s counterparts. Only in Salamanca can you find important Romanesque, Gothic, Moorish, Renaissance and Baroque monuments within walking distance.

The University offers an array of study abroad opportunities for foreign students. Don’t worry about your Spanish skills, most students come to Salamanca during the summer to learn, an most everyone speaks English. Moreover, host families through out the city offer room and board for small fees to “extrangeros” (exchange students), often cheaper than dormitory costs. The University provides more information on this once enrolled as a visiting student. In addition, College students will enjoy the colligate atmosphere Salamanca emits. One can feel overwhelmed with the abundance of cultural activities, coffee shops, bars, and restaurants. On Monday night you can visit “El Savor” a bar with live band performing modern Spanish music. On Wednesday nights enjoy “chupitas” (shots) at “Chupeteria” with fellow “extrangeros” If you get homesick of the States, head down to “Irish Rover” an Irish-American inspired bar. A definite for your itinerary is enjoying “tapas” in the Plaza Mayor. Built between 1729- 1755, the baroque style of the plaza is typical of 18th century Spanish architecture. Most of every day life for citizens unravels here, and it is considered the heart of the city.

To further enjoy the culture and history of the city visit the New and Old Cathedrals. They are conveniently located right next to each other. The older one was constructed in 1140, and the newer one began construction in 1513. Both are open from 9:30am-7:30pm during the summer season. In addition, Near the cathedral along the “Gran Via” you can visit several monasteries, including the “Convento y Museo de las Duenas,”, a 16th century building with cloister. You can also catch a glimpse of the ancient Roman Bridge that runs along the river Tormes. Another must see is the ancient University Library that houses books that are centuries old. Another fun cultural site is “La Casa de las Conchas” a private building converted into a public library that is whimsically decorated with seashells.

For more information on study abroad opportunities in Salamanca visit: http://www.usal.es/web-usal/Ingles/index.html

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