Why You Should Visit Mount Evans, Colorado

Getting to Mount Evans is easy. Just take I-70 west until you reach the Idaho Springs exit. From there, go south on Colorado 103 through the park. You’ll pass the beautiful Echo Lake, which is worth stopping to look at, and then then right on the Mount Evans Highway. When entering the park you’ll start at the ranger’s station and gift shop. From here you’ll need to pay the required park fees to actually start up the road. It costs $10 per vehicle with up to twelve passengers. There are additional fees for larger parties. These fees are collected to help maintain the road and park.
After you enter the park, get ready for a beautiful drive. The 14 miles of road wind up the mountain, often with sheer cliff drops on one side. During the drive you’ll start in the forests with beautiful pine trees and undergrowth. Watch for elk in this area, they’re often out in the brush grabbing a meal. After climbing for a bit you’ll cross the timberline and come to the beautiful Summit Lake and mountain sheep territory.
Summit Lake is a glacier fed lake with a glassy surface. While I wouldn’t recommend swimming in its frosty depths, stopping to take a look at it is always a good idea. Its shores are rocky and surrounded by tundra plantlife. During the summertime the area is blanketed with wild flowers. It’s great for photo opportunities.
In this area you’ll also run into the famous mountain sheep. The sheep occupy the area above the timberline. They are often by the side of the road and you can get great pictures. They are used to people and very docile, but the rangers ask that you don’t feed them and try to keep your distance. They are an amazing sight to behold.
As you climb a bit higher you’ll come to the summit. In this area you’ll find the mountain goats, or kings of the mountain. They’re most beautiful in the summer months when they’ve had the opportunity to shed their winter coats. They’re hair is bright white and they can be seen bounding from rock to rock with amazing agility. They are often found in groups on the side of the road or at the summit by the visitor’s center. The mountain goats tend to be more shy than the sheep, so I wouldn’t recommend trying to get too close, but you can get some great pictures while you’re there.
Once you reach you’ll find a visitor’s center and parking lot. At this point you’re at 14,130 feet. If you’re used to lower elevations, this can sometimes leave you a little light headed, so be careful. From the parking lot you can hike the remaining 130 ft in order to truly reach the summit. From here you can see the whole mountain range and out into the plains of Denver. There’s nothing like it.
Mount Evans is not only about the drive. You can also hike the mountain. There are several trails that take you around the moutain and its surrounding areas. You can get a map at the ranger’s station at the base of the mountain.
Mount Evans is definitely a place that anyone who loves nature should see for themselves. During the 14 mile drive you can experience a wonderful world as the land changes around you. There’s nothing like it, especially for experiencing wildlife up close. If you’re in Colorado, taking the trip to Mount Evans is definitely worth doing, so don’t miss out! Hop in your car and you could soon be on top of the world.