Why You Should Visit the Malibu Grand Prix In Norcross, Georgia

Malibu in Georgia? Yes, right in the heart of Norcross, it’s the Malibu Grand Prix. I first became fascinated with go karts when I vacationed in Orlando Florida with my family some time ago in 1998. We as most American families took that Disney plunge and made our rounds from Disney Land to Universal Studios. I must admit I am not much of an amusement park person, but I really enjoyed Universal studios. So after 8 fun filled days of Disney, the water parks and shopping of course, what else was there to do? Hey why not try the go karts! There were only 10 go-kart facilities on every corner. So once we hit the go-karts we were like children hyped up on sugar, we wanted more and more! So after more than 8 years, I remembered how much fun we had on those go karts.

Fast forward 7 years to Georgia where I found myself hosting my family for 2 weeks in the summer with a crew of young people whose ages ranged from 5-14. With such a gap in ages, it was a challenge to find somewhere entertaining to take everyone. I had to think, where should we go? Hmmm, maybe the movies; sure, but then everyone would be in a separate movie looking at everything from animation to action adventure to drama. So, I thought this calls for a little checking around with some folks that have lived in this state a lot longer than I have. I hit pay dirt with the first telephone call. You know we all have friends that are experts in specific areas right. We’ll I have one particular friend that can give you advice from what church you should visit to the best restaurant to the best places to have fun!

My friend recommended this place just 20 miles from me in Norcross called The Malibu Grand Prix! I had heard it was a family entertainment center where you could play miniature golf and even have a bite to eat. We gathered the crew together and off we went packed into a couple of cars to check this place out for ourselves. It was surprising to find this attraction right between what I would consider a business and residential location. As soon as you walk up to the entrance, you can hear the sounds of joy! Inside The Malibu Grand Prix the first thing you see is the game room. A virtual coin operated paradise for young and old; everything from racing cars, to destroying aliens to my all time favorite thing to do and that’s shooting hoops! I thought that we’d come back to the game room after we explored what there was on the outside. After all it was 90 degrees on a beautiful summer day and we weren’t ready to waste all that beauty staying inside.

We decided to begin our quest for fun with a couple of games of miniature golf; that always seems to capture the interest of every age. Once we conceded that Tiger Woods had nothing to fear from our group, we moved on to the main reason I chose The Malibu Grand Prix…yep, you guessed it…Go Karts! I picked a single car; must have something to do with my slightly competitive nature. After 2 or 3 rounds of Go Karts, I finally had my fill of riding in what was now close to 100 degree weather. My eyes gleamed with joy to see the water boats; but it wasn’t just a water boat, it was a bumper water boat, but there was even more; the boats were filled with water guns. This was so much fun until I was overtaken by pre-teens and blinded. Yes, you guess it; it was time to move on to something a little drier!

Our next stop where the batting cages. This was not only good exercise; it really was a productive way for the young ones to channel all that energy they tend to possess. Although the youngest could not participate in this activity, he had fun just watching! As we were leaving the batting cages, we noticed a larger race track with what looked like “real” racing cars. I investigated further and determined that our group was not ready for the “real” Grand Prix, so we decided to take our fun indoors.

As the sun began to set, it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to dine and that we did. We enjoyed pizza and great fellowship as we discussed our triumphs and defeats on the miniature golf course. Prior to departing for the evening, we enjoyed a few games of Hoops and pinball. Needless to say, there was fun had by all. The next time you’re in search of a place where the entire family can enjoy, check out The Malibu Grand Prix in Norcross.

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