Why a Tripod Can Make a Big Difference

Photography enthusiasts and photographers consider the tripod to be the greatest and one of the most essential photographic accessories to date. An interesting thing about tripods is the fact that they have been in use long before photography itself was invented. For years, soldiers, astronomers, surveyors, seamen and artists have been using the tripod for different purposes.

Photography was invented around the 1840s but the actual process dates back to the 1820s. It was this time that Nicephore Niepce produced the first permanent photoeched image. He destroyed it when attempting to duplicate it and tried again in 1825 at which time he was successful. Finally, in 1826 he made the first permanent photograph of nature with a camera obscura.

Even in the early days of photography, pictures were generally never taken without a tripod. During the 1880s, the first actual photographic tripod was introduced. It had a 1/4×20 mounting screw and despite the fact that so much technological advancement has occurred in the field of photography, cameras and so on, the tripod continues to remain as critical to photography as it was during the 1800s.

The fact is that camera tripods add composition and sharpness to your photographs and give them more life. Images that are photographed with a tripod turn out much better than those without it. Tripods also enable you to use a slower shutter speed and provide you stability and reduce shakiness. The output obviously turns out to be much better.

You can also use smaller lenses when using a tripod. This allows you to add greater depth of field to the image you are trying to capture. Tripods are sturdy and help you stay steadier giving you the flexibility to capture in more detail. With a tripod, you can look around, make sure you have the perfect shot and then press click!

Tripods are especially useful for professional photographers. They make their life easy and also provide them physical relief. Cameras can get quite heavy, especially when you’re working with them all day. Tripods enable you to relax your arms as well as ensure your images are not spoiled because of shaky or tired hands.

Photographers are also human and can get tired. Landscape photographers may have to spend hours for that perfect sunset or that perfect shift of clouds. Wedding photographers have other requirements to meet and so on. Tripods also help photographers working with models to communicate more freely with their subjects and instruct them on how they want them to pose without worrying about spoiling the focus of the camera or having to set up the shot again.

When you think of a tripod, you may feel that it would be such a headache to carry and a camera alone would work just fine. That however is not the case. Tripods have evolved over the years. They are now stronger and more durable. They also weigh practically nothing making transportation and traveling much easier. The set-up is fairly simple and quick. So the next time you want to capture that perfect image, try using a tripod. You will definitely see the difference.

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