Why the Kirby Vacuum is the Worst Product Ever

The Kirby vacuum has been sold door-to-door for many years. It is a large, heavy contraption that comes along with accessories that are downright unusable. Perhaps you or a friend have been a victim of their unethical sales pitch. A quick Google search of the Kirby vacuum results in hundreds of scam alerts and disgruntled buyers.

It may come as a surprise that Dog Chapman from Dog the Bounty Hunter series on A&E used to be a Kirby salesman back in the day. Maybe the company didn’t operate then the way they do nowadays. Let’s take a look at some reasons the Kirby vacuum is the worst product ever put on the market.

The Kirby Vacuum Unethical Sales Pitch

While sitting outside on my front porch one day I was approached by a pleasant woman dressed in business attire. She told me she was promoting a new carpet cleaning service and asked if I’d like one room in my house steam cleaned. Then the woman handed me a flyer with the name of a carpet cleaning company and phone number on it. After telling me it would take about half an hour to complete, I agreed. All she asked was that I recommend the company to friends and family and that I consider using them in the future.

Later on that day, a white van pulled up to our house and that’s when a man and woman dragged their equipment in. I decided to let the “carpet cleaner” do their thing and I went ahead cleaning the kitchen. I have never been more wrong in all my life.

My husband and I had absolutely no idea that this was a sales pitch. We felt so stupid. But we listened to her pitch and watched her put swatch after swatch of “dirty carpet” all over our floors. This lasted for two hours. No big deal – we have a clean carpet at least.

The Size of the Kirby Vacuum

The Kirby vacuum is of monstrous size, compared to vacuums you see on shelves today. When the sales cult demonstrated its use in my home, it took a man and a woman to bring it inside. Of course, there was still the suitcase of accessories to haul in. The saleswoman actually dragged that into our house. With everything spread out on the floor it took up most of my living room.

I didn’t think it was too humorous when the sweaty saleswoman couldn’t figure out how to plug some of the attachments into the vacuum. Here was a trained individual that was unable to use the product she was trying to sell. How was I expected to catch on? It was so big she could barely turn it around in our tiny room.

The Kirby Vacuum Persuasion

It was nowhere near over. After we told her we needed to prepare dinner, and that we appreciated all she had done, etc., she broke out into tears. She began shaking and crying so profusely I asked if she wanted me to call the hospital. She explained that her boss was going to kill her if she only finished one room in the house. I can only believe that we were in shock because we let her clean another room.

Four and a half hours after it started, it was 9 pm. Our baby needed to be put to bed, and by this time we had already politely asked her to leave twice. Her boss then came to pick her up and she pointed at us, crying again, sobbing that we wouldn’t buy the Kirby vacuum. Her boss, dressed in suit and tie, then began to pitch us. It was at this time I told them I had lost all patience and was going to call the police. They left within two minutes. But before they left, they walked into my bathroom without permission and began cleaning the equipment, leaving behind filth in the sink.

Was it our fault that we let it go that far? Absolutely. But we had never encountered this type of situation before and were unsure how to respond.

The Kirby Vacuum Price

We were quoted a price of over $1200. Later that week I found out some of my elderly neighbors had been quoted over $2000 from the same female that entered our house. Sometimes an expensive product will give you great results, but for the price of a Kirby vacuum I expect it to be a little easier to handle and more reputable.

I have heard that there are generations of families who have enjoyed Kirby. But I will never hand over my hard earned money to such an unethical company where their own employees can’t properly use the product. It is encouraged that you do some research before buying a Kirby vacuum or even allowing a “carpet cleaning” company into your home.

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