Will Oprah Winfrey Get into Politics to Become the First Female Vice President?

I know many people all over the world love and adore Oprah Winfrey and her TV show.

I suspect that some regard her as the real Queen of America, or rather the Queen of All Media.

Probably besides the Queen of England and the First Lady of America and Barbra Walters, she may be among the most famous and richest women today in the world.

Even though I am not among her hundreds of millions of fans, I have watched her show a few times and I can say she is a very wonderful and sweet human being.

She has great communication skills; she is compassionate and knows how to interview her guests to make them feel comfortable and at the same time answer the most personal questions about their lives without any hesitation.

Her TV show is not only entertaining and interesting but also very informative and eye opening because it addresses the most current social issues and trends in the country and besides it is family oriented and friendly. It is irresistible to watch her show.

Recently, she worked so hard to lose a lot of weight. Her hair style has improved tremendously and she looks younger and more attractive.

The billions of dollars which has made is a testimony of the impact she has made on American culture and the world.

She has also traveled around the world and donated millions of dollars to charities and inspired many millions of women.

She is gracious and charming. I hope someday she wins a Nobel Peace prize for communication. I wish her all the best.

But besides all this, I believe it will be wise for her to abandon the media and her TV show and try politics.

In the next presidential election, it will be wise and it may be the only trick that will make the democrats win if they draft and recruit her to be the vice president.

Can you imagine what will happen if Oprah becomes the Vice President of America? I leave that to your imagination. But if this becomes a possibility in the future, I hope she will use her influence to help women more. Let the healing begin.

The traditional family home in America is fast becoming extinct and single parent families and dysfunctionality have become fashionable and acceptable.

I believe one of the causes is that a lot of women are not at home to take care of their husbands and children.

Instead they are working at their careers, with the ambition to compete with men in order to prove they are equal to men.

This is the brain washing which hardcore extremist feminists have done on them.

Women don’t have to wear pants, suits, ties and grow a mustache and work 9-5 to prove they are equal to men.

If more women stay at home to look after their children and take care of their husbands, perhaps, the children will grow up to become responsible, employed, productive law abiding citizens, instead of welfare parasites, hardcore drug addicts and criminals.

And if the husbands are well taken care of to meet their sexual and emotional needs, they will not be tempted to cheat on their wives which often leads to the break up of the family.

When husbands are satisfied, they will become better human beings, more productive, more caring and more responsible to their wives and families.

And besides, this can reverse the increasing ugly trend of American families’ tendencies towards becoming dysfunctional with their repugnant consequences.

I am in favor of mothers staying at home to take care of their families and their husbands.

But not for free.

I will like to see a law enacted by Congress to reward mothers for not only staying at home to care for their husbands and children, but also for child bearing.

Being pregnant and having children and rearing them is more than a full time job and if that is so, it is better and wise that mothers should be paid for it by the society so they can do a better job than they are presently doing.

If you examine all the problems in the society with a microscope, you should not be surprised to find most originate from the consequences of dysfunctional families.

But the sad truth here is that the society never looks at the roots of its problems but prefers to cut the branches of the tree of the problems.

But the more it cuts the branches, the more they grow back bigger and stronger because the roots are still there, growing deeper into the ground.

It is foolish to cut the branches of the tree of problems.

The smart thing to do is to cut the roots, and the tree with all of its branches of problems will die.

Mothers are the foundation of the society because they give birth to all of us!

So, if the society has a problem, it is wise to go back to the foundation and start there to fix it.

I believe Oprah Winfrey can handle this problem and help uplift American women and influence millions more overseas if she becomes the next Vice President of America.

So, I hope Americans and one of the political parties (republicans or democrats) will be wise to draft her and nominate her as the next vice President of America.

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