Win Fabulous Prizes for Being a Mom

If you’ve lived through raising a child, or even if you’ve just gotten started, you’ve learned plenty that you can share with other moms. By doing so, you can earn points that accumulate in your account, then later, spend the points like cash on gift certificates, appliances, even fabulous vacations.
Club Mom is an online site that caters to moms of all ages. Learn or write about parenting, working, beauty and style, relationships, diet and fitness, cooking, hobbies, entertainment and more. If you think you have something to contribute, visit the site and join for free. You can then play games, learning little tricks that’ll make life easier, or find the latest summer recipes.
The message boards are another great way to get Mom information online. The boards contain subjects of discussion like stay-at-home moms, making a difference, money, home and garden, safety, time off, shopping, holidays and parties, and travel, to name a few.
The site is looking for moms that can share their tips and techniques, be it a short, helpful sentence or a long, tear-jerking story. You will be awarded any where from 10 to 100 points which can be saved and spent later on wonderful gifts.
You can also shop and earn rewards. The site has a shopping mall where you can shop at your favorite online stores, like JC Penney,, Kohl’s,, or Omaha Steaks. Each place pays a certain amount of points per dollar spent, and the points will then be shown in your account.
Among the rewards they have are gift cards, movie tickets, jewelry, small appliances, digital cameras, even vacations to places like the beach, Las Vegas, Carnival Cruises, and Disney World.
You’ll love the Club Mom site because there is a lot to do, you can get a wealth of information right at your fingertips, and the rewards for participating are spectacular. Sign up for free, start writing your own little tips and stories, and soon, you’ll be lying around on a beach for free, courtesy of Club Mom.