Window Covering Ideas for Homes with Bay Windows

1. A very simple and easy, yet beautiful way to frame your bay window is to use lace. A lace valance with stationary side panel give a truly elegant touch to your window. All you need is a curtain rod and hooks. First, put one side panel on the rod, then the valance, and the the other side panel; then hang the rod on the hooks. No one will ever know it was that easy to have such a beautiful window. If you’re not really into lace, you can use any fabric.
2. Swags are another easy way to achieve a beautiful window. With this look it is very easy to do all of the work yourself. Just about any hardware store would have the wooden dowel that you would need for your curtain rod. You can also find, at the same store, ornate crown pieces to put at the end of your dowel to give your new curtain rod a finished, ornate look. For the brackets to hold up the curtain rod I salvaged them from an old screen door that I bought at a yard sale. It had beautiful scrolling in the corners; but you should be able to pick up some really nice looking wooden brackets at the same store that you bought your other pieces. They can all be painted or stained to match. The fabric for your swag usually takes 3�½ times the width of your window, depending on how much you want hanging on the sides.
3. I like the use of shutters on a bay window; especially if the window is in an eating area, and if I want more privacy from the outside. If you choose shutters that have movable louvers, then you can still have privacy and added sunlight in your room.
4. A green-house look can be quite pretty with a bay window. On one bay window we decorated, the lady of the house wanted a little more privacy, but didn’t want curtains of any type, on her window. We took some lath a framed her window on the inside. We painted it a nice soft yellow to match her wallpaper. My husband then took some clear Plexiglas and made shelves to put inside the bay window. He also used pieces of the Plexiglas for supports for the shelves. Honestly, you did not notice the shelves from the outside unless you knew they were there. Since the window did not receive any direct sun, the lady of the house filled the window with knick-knacks and small potted plants. It really turned out nice, and the lady was quite happy with her new window.
5. The use of vinyl window film is perfect for a bay window; and I might add, is my favorite way to decorate. You can get a stained-glass look, frosted glass look with different degrees of privacy, or you can even get film that has a scene. It comes in a kit along with a squeegee to apply the film without air bubbles. It is easy to apply because all you have to do is wash your window, then apply in any way or shape you need to get the look you want. You can also get the window film with different degrees of sunlight that it allows in.
Any one of these ideas can be combined with another one, to get a totally different look. Play around with them a little, and you’ll be able to find the exact look you want for your bay window.