Window Repair For Old Windows that Use Sash Cords and Weights

First, as with anything, you need to find the root of the problem. If the window won’t raise, they are probably painted shut. If this is the case, you need to cut the paint loose from the window. This can be done with a special tool available at any paint store, or in some cases you can pry carefully between the sash and the trim. Once you have the window open, you need to determine if the sash cords and weights are working. If the cord is broken, this needs to be replaced. This job isn’t hard at all. First, remove the inside window stops from the frames. If you use care while removing these, they can be reused. Next pull the lower sash from the frame. On the sides of the sash there are grooves for the cords. If the cord is still intact, remove it by pulling it out from the side. To remove the outer sash, pull the stops out, they are in a groove in the frame and have a few small nails. These can be easily pried out with a screwdriver. Pull the sash out as with the other sash.
Now you are ready to change the cords. Mark the frame where the knot is on the side of the sash. The cords connect to a weight inside the wall behind the frame. There are access panels in the lower part of the frame at each side. You need to remove a screw from the top of this panel, then the panel will come easily out. Remove the weights. There are pulleys at the top of the window frame, push the new cord through this pulley, down to the opening in the frame. Tie the cord to the weights, and put the weight back into the wall. Put the panel back onto the frame and pull the cord so that the weight is off the bottom just slightly. Tie a knot in the cord to the corresponding mark remove the old cord from the sash, and insert the new cord knotted in the sides of the sash. Nail the cord into the sash at this knot using a small nail. Replace the sash, and the window stop. Caulk and paint as needed and the repair is finished.