Windsor Pilates Sculpting Circle Series

I recently ordered the Windsor Pilates new Circle Workout. It comes with a “sculpting circle,” a DVD containing the “20-Minute Circle Workout,” 50-minute “Accelerated Fat-Burning Workout, and 10-minute “Sculpting Blast Workout.” The package also comes with a cookbook and exercise planner in which you can plan and chart your progress. I purchased all of this for the “special price” of $9.95 =$6.95 shipping and handling. Before going any further, I should state that I have done Pilates before. I am by no means an expert, but I do have some experience with the practice.

When I did the 20-minute video for the first time, my impression was mixed. I definitely enjoyed trying the new twist with the sculpting circle, but it wasn’t as challenging as I expected. I also did the 10-minute video immediately following, and it focused mostly on arms, along with some confusing dance moves. I did feel energized and good about myself for doing the exercise, though. To my surprise, I was quite sore the next day in the core region. This was encouraging.

The next day, per directions, I completed the 50-minute video. This was not what I expected. The first 30 minutes consisted of a “cha-cha” dance lesson. This was not what I signed up for. The video goes step by step through a dance routine which builds and builds till the end where you do it all the way through. I found this routine to be random and misplaced in a Pilates program. Just as I was about to turn the video off, the routine shifted to a cool down and mat routine. This was a more advanced and challenging Pilates series. I was glad that I stuck with it.

So what about the results? Well, I have only had the program for about a week and a half, but I have seen some results. In the first week, I lost about 4 pounds. This was a pleasant surprise. I will have to stick with the program for longer to know about any significant inches or pounds lost.

Overall, I think this is a pretty good program for the money. It is about the cheapest infomercial-advertised exercise program out there. I doubt that a person could do this program alone and continue to see results over a long period of time, but it is a good starting point. Those who are more experienced in Pilates may find these routines to be to easy, as I did, but for beginners, this program is great. The videos take you step by step through the moves, with modifiers for all moves. The sculpting circle adds a new twist to Pilates, though I haven’t been using it long enough to know it if changes the long-term results at all. So for anyone who is interested in Pilates, or anyone who wants a new toy, try Windsor’s “Sculpting Circle” program!

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