Women Beware of Romantic Deception

Deception happens in various different forms. One of them is Romantic Deception. We often think that deception can’t happen to us even though it can. Romantic Deception happens to people more than we realize. Allot of times many of us don’t even realize it when it is happening right in front of us. We often are in denial that it is happening to us.

The beginning of relationships is usually great at first. After a while in the relationship true colors start to show. As time goes on little crazy things start happening. We start to catch our partner in little lies here and there.

The next thing you know that you and him are living together. The next step is you are planning a wedding with that person. Things just don’t add up right and you just can’t quite figure out what is wrong with the picture exactly.

Your partner is very secretive about everything. Perhaps he gets his mail somewhere else. Your partner is mysterious. You often can’t figure him out no matter how hard you try to figure him out. Perhaps he is gone for hours at time and you have no idea what he is doing.

You start to think about things and you often just tell yourself that you are just being “paranoid”. You keep on thinking that something is very seriously wrong, but you can’t just quite pin point the problem.

He promises you the world, but he plays mind games with you. One day he will you tell something about something and the next he will tell you something completely different. Often you wonder what is the truth and what is the lies. Eventually it gets so bad to the point of that you can’t even tell the difference anymore between the lies and truth, it all blends together in a jumble mess.

He tells you that he loves you. At the same time he is secretly hiding money from you and he is telling you more lies. His friends and family begin to lie to you for him. He talks bad about you to other people, but yet tells you something different.

Around this point you are still trying to figure out what is going on. The checks are written out for your wedding. The wedding is all set for the certain date that you two decided on. You perhaps tell yourself “oh things will be fine once we get married” or whichever other reasons to tell youself regarding this man. Deep down inside you know you shouldn’t really get married to him, but you decide you are going to marry him despite the odds.

You notice more weird strange behavior in him the closer it gets to your wedding. He tells you over and over again how he can’t wait til he gets married to you. He still promises you the world.

You wake up one morning as usual and he tells you he loves you and he kisses you and says I will see you after work. Says Bye. He walks out the door. You go to work that day.

Something just doesn’t seem right that day. Something seems wrong. You try to call him at his work to ask him something, but his boss tells you he isn’t at work. You think perhaps he is out to lunch or something. Something still just doesn’t feel right.
You get home from work and you notice that your car isn’t there. You walk into your house and you discover that all of his stuff is completely gone from your house. Your jaw just drops. You sit there in disbelief. You want to cry, but you can’t bring yourself to cry. You are in shock. You can’t believe it. You think to yourself what about the wedding? You tell yourself but he loved me.

You then discover that everything he has told you has been lies. He just strung you along with lies all this time. You perhaps feel like a fool because he played you all this time. You realize that he is just used you. He used you for your money. He used you for your body. He used you for a place to live.

He took everything from you that you had and then some more. He broke your heart. He caused you pain and damage more than any words can possibly explain. He used you for everything. He played mind games with you. He did cruel things to you.

He doesn’t care. He is out having sex with some girl or he is laughing at you. You can’t believe it just how much he doesn’t care about you. You feel the worst hurt in your body stronger more than anything before.

The things he did begins to replay in your mind. You remember the good times. You remember the bad times. The bad times keep replaying in your mind. You are still angery. You find out that he left your car parked in at your place of employment. You are still mad at him. You end up crying yourself to sleep for days. You are still in shock.

You know you can’t take him back no matter what he says or does. He is the type of man that he will say he is going to the store for a soda one day and he will never come back.

He left you with allot of bills to pay. He messed you up in every way possible. Bills is just one problem. He caused damage to you emotionally and damage to your body cause he used you. Romantic Deception is a form of abuse. You are a victim of him.

As month goes by. You try to date again but you have a hard time trusting people. You often wonder if that man is going to hurt you too. You have to realize that not every man is not bad. There is still some good men out there that are honest and will truly love you.

Wipe the tears away. Try to be a strong person happy person again despite everything that may have happened. Just remember even though bad people perhaps damage you from time to time. You have to repair your broken heart somehow. Life goes on. Someone out there will truly want you and want to marry you. Never give up hope.

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