Women in the Work Force

Women are becoming more and more confident and successful in life and also in the work force. Women aren’t just stay at home moms or housewives anymore. Now, women have the talent and ability to do whatever they want and they won’t get dirty looks from men. Women know that they can do it, and they want to prove to men and everybody who doubts them that they can do this. They have the talent and the energy to do this task, and they wnt everybody to respect them. The freedoms that we have in the United States are why women can succeed in life and not just stay at home. Women no longer have to take a backseat to men in the trials and tribulations of life. Feminism is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; it is becoming more and more common in the United States.

First of all, women can feel free to work in a “man’s” world without being judged. For example, women can have the same jobs that men have, and they can succeed at these jobs just as well as men do, if not not better than men. For instance, if a woman does a particular job better than a man, she has a pretty good chance of getting a promotion to a different job, a better job. Women have been making gigantic strides in all fields of the work force.

However, if women are succeeding in the work force, it may intimidate the men working with the women. Specifically, women may be better at a certain job than men are, and that may intimidate men and make them feel like their job is in jeopardy. To illustrate, women are becoming more and more confident in the work force, and that could cause men to lose confidence in their own work on a daily basis. Men may become intimidated by women succeeding in the work force.

Finally, women no longer have to agree with everything a man says or does. Namely, if a man and a woman are having an argument, the woman doesn’t have to agree with everything a man says; furthermore, women can say what’s on their mind without being judged. That is, women have the same rights as men do and they have the right to say where they stand on certain topics or subjects. Women have the right to express their opinions and beliefs on certain topics.

Women have the ability to work in a “man’s” world and be respected, and they have the ability to intimidate the men working alongside them. The United States has given women the right to speak their minds and offer opinions on certain topics. Women actually do have a lot of rights and freedoms when it comes to having a job. They have the ability to get promotions that would have gone to men 20 years ago, and they can express their opinions on topics, including controversial topics. Women are becoming more and more powerful in the workforce and whether you agree with that or not, women are here to stay as part of our everyday life.

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