Wood-Door Care: Proper Maintenance of Wooden Doors

Wooden doors add to the beauty of the building. Proper care should be taken to maintain them. How to care for these doors is explained here:

One of the accessories that require careful consideration in a building is the ‘Door’. The ‘Door’ adds to the style and beauty of the building; be it a house or an establishment. No house or establishment is constructed without ‘Door’.

For those establishments were there are many visitors wooden doors are most preferred because they sustain rough handling and they are easy to maintain as compared to other doors.

The following suggestions may be considered while installing and maintaining wooden doors:

1. The size of wooden door depends on the number of visitors who frequent the building daily. Size of standard wooden door is 80″ X 36″ X 1.5/16″. If one prefers to have a door made of thick wood, an experienced and reliable wooden door installers should be consulted and the safety aspects should be properly got verified.

2. In case of doors for homes, the help of interior designer would be required who would also guide on accentuating the house with appropriate design doors and also advise on its maintenance.

3. Quality of the wood is one of the important factors. One has to verify, if the wood has unwanted marks or other defects like uneven surface etc. If so, it is advisable that the service of experienced home maintenance staff should be obtained. If need be, the door may be reinstalled after getting the opinion of the home maintenance staff.

4. Once the defect is noticed, one should not take up repair work by himself as it may even cause further damage to the door. Therefore, it is always advisable to obtain the help of the maintenance staff.

5. After the defects are rectified, the maintenance staff will re-install the door. After such re-installation, it is advisable that the doors be given retouching with proper wood paint.

6. It is appropriate that the door should be carefully inspected for any other defects before reinstallation.

7. When cleaning the door, only non-abrasive cleaners should be used by carefully following the instructions as given by the manufacturer. While applying the cleaner on the wood, no harmful residue should be left on the wood.

8. The best remedy is to be careful while closing and opening the door. Repair of the wooden door would cost heavily.

If these suggestions are followed, the wooden door certainly will last long and will be maintenance free and therefore it will be cost effective.

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