Wooden Swing Sets: A Buying Guide

Wooden swing sets and metal swing sets are the sets most commonly sold in the United States. For quite a period of time, metal swing sets were the most popular, but wooden swing sets are increasing in popularity. If you are a parent who is looking to purchase a wooden swing set, you may think that the most important decision has already been made, but in reality it hasn’t.
Making the decision to purchase a wooden swing set over a metal swing set is a large one, but next you will have to decide the type of wooden swing set you want. There are a large number of individuals and companies across the United States who specialize in making and selling wooden swing sets. Each wooden swing set is likely to vary, one way or another. The accessories and activities found on a wooden swing set will all depend on the company who developed the set.
Almost all swing sets will have a swing and a slide. In fact, multiple swings are often found on a wooden swing set. In addition to having swings and a slide, it is also possible to have miniature forts, monkey bars, and other activities. The possibilities are virtually unlimited with wooden swing sets.
Most wooden swing sets come pre-designed, but there are a number of companies that allow their customers to design their own wooden swing sets. While designing your own wooden swing set is nice, it will increase the purchase price. The cost of a wooden swing set averages around $500 to $1,000. A custom-made swing set could reach a price as high as $2,000 or $3,000.
After you have decided on a wooden swing set style, you will have to decide how you will assemble the swing set. If you purchase a wooden swing set from a local retailer, you may be able to have them assemble the swing set for you. This assembly may cost a small amount of money, but many parents take comfort in knowing that their children are playing on a properly installed swing set. If you are handy with your hands or know someone who is, you may be able to have your set assembled for free.
Whatever way you decide to install your swing set, your child or children will be having fun for years to come. If properly cared for, wooden swing sets can last for years. In addition to lasting for years, you can also add on other age appropriate activities. A swing set that stays strong and sturdy and allows add-ons, what could be better then that?