Work from Home as an Online Tutor or Teacher
Many people tutor or teach students online as a part time career and there are a number of companies that hire tutors and teachers. With some companies you don’t need a teaching certificate, just knowledge or work experience on the subject you will be teaching or tutoring. If you want to teach college level courses, there are many online colleges and traditional colleges that hire degree professionals to teach online courses. If teaching or tutoring grade school children, you may or may not need a teaching degree. Most teach or tutor on a part-time basis and pick the hours or time of day they are available to tutor or teach.
Although many hours and the time of day you work will depend on when the student is available. If teaching school children, your hours will more than likely be in the late afternoon, early evenings, and weekends when children are home. The hours can vary when tutoring foreign students because of the time difference. Tutoring adults will more likely be in the evening or early evenings and weekends but could be anytime. If tutoring students in other countries, the times can vary greatly due to the time differences. Tutoring or teaching can be done over the phone or over the Internet. Times will be set between you and the student based on each person’s schedule.
The qualities you need to be a successful online tutor or teacher are the same qualities needed to be a successful teacher or tutor in face-to-face communications. You will need a willingness to help others, a caring attitude, patience, be a great listener and communicator just to name a few. The potential salary will vary. Some companies allow you to set your own rates, while others pay you a set hourly wage or pay per student. Of course, you can make tutoring a home based business and charge whatever you feel your time and knowledge is worth, all you need is a phone to conduct tutoring sessions. There are a couple of companies that allow you to develop your own course, charge your own fee, and promote your class through their website. The online courses on these websites are mostly for adults wanting to take correspondence or non-credit classes.
Companies that allow you to develop your own course.
If you have a bachelor degree:
If you have a graduate degree, you can contact any online school such as the University of Phoenix and apply to become an online teacher.