World to End This Tuesday!

What is this dire prediction based on? Apparently, August 22nd is an important anniversary on the Islamic calendar. It corresponds to the 27th day of the month of Rajab in 1427. Muslim tradition holds that was the night when Muhammad flew on a winged horse to the farthest Mosque-usually identified as Jerusalem-and then also to Heaven and back.
Bernard Lewis, writing in the Wall Street Journal, says “This might well be an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel, and if necessary, the world.” He holds that because Iranian President Ahmadinejad said he would give an answer to the question of how Iran would proceed with their nuclear program, they may be planning something. Many neo-cons in the United States have picked up the story and added it to their long laundry list of why the U.S. needs to attack Iran. Well, if it’s in the WSJ, I guess I should at least try to get ready.
And what am I going to do? For starters, go to the movies. I don’t want to go out with “Snakes On A Plane” being the last film I ever saw. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the film. Just not my selection for the end all. I need to run up some credit cards. I don’t have much debt now, and it would be shame for the world to end and the cards not be maxed out! Gotta plan for my last meal-it’s a tough bill to fill, so I have to make it good! You know, I’m not going to do my laundry on Sunday or Monday. Might not do any dishes either.
Actually, I think I will do those dishes. And keep my routine much the way I had planned before I heard the news. I’m willing to bet that the world will still be here Wednesday. It’s a sure thing, after all. If we are still here, I win. If were not, who the hell cares about my bet? So I’m not that concerned about this Tuesday. And on that prediction about the date…..what isn’t noted is the fact that the 22nd of August corresponds with another day. If one looks at the Persian calendar, the western August 22nd also happens to be the end of the month of Mordad. So maybe-here is a radical thought-he is just saying the response will come at the end of the month?
Of course, the Iranian President is a crazed fundamentalist who says he welcomes his version of Armageddon. And many will argue the American President is a crazed fundamentalist in his own right. So these two may well want to start as much with each other as they can. They are both very unpopular at home, and seem to favor war and war talk over negotiation. So there is a real threat that one or both of them will propel us into war. But I’m still making plans for Wednesday.